
To NY people - what has Hillary done for you?

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I'm still searching for all the great things Hillary Clinton has done for NY. PLEASE someone, can you give me some specific examples of how she helped you out?




  1. Not much.

    Did you know that she wanted to lower the speed limit on highways in NY from 65 to 55 to save gas/money? It's been proven that the amount of money & gas that you would save would be so little that you wouldn't even notice it for 50+ years.

    Sorry but that turned me away a bit.

  2. Ahhh well she was going to help them out she really was but she changed her mind.   No she didnt really change her mind it was the evil Republicans that forced her to do nothing and to say she has done and accomplished many things for them.

  3. Other than arriving in NYC, clutching her carpetbag and the opportunity to run for senator, upon the retirement of long time New senator Patrick Moinahan, and claiming to be 1/5 Jewish, She hasn't done a thing for her constituents. The strategy was to use the senate seat from NY as a springboard for a run at the presidency. She remains an opportunitist and a carpetbagger.

  4. this is what shes done for me

  5. I'm from Arkansas and can't speak for what Hillary and the Clintons have done for NY, but I can speak for the the good they have done my state.


  6. She stays down in NYC mostly.  I live in upstate NY.  I think she has "graced" us with her presence like 4 times since she has taken the role as Sen.

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