
To Northamptonshire Let us Go. Will you come my Lady?

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To Northamptonshire let us go,

My lady come, now let us go:

Let's board a sail from Upton Mill,

On Wotton brook now let us row.

The winter winds are hid and gone,

And sunny smiling kids are out,

While picking blooms of marigolds,

O listen, how they scream and shout.

The doves and larks are in a mood,

To thank the peaceful eastern breeze:

The damsel flies, they have the dews,

In every little bush and trees.

The kites are over glimmering skies,

And carnivals are on a show:

The brides and brooms, they sail the brook

And hand in hand they together go.

The tradesmen are a happy crew,

And merchants have the ship back home:

The sea is calm, and air is sweet,

How far has fled the fearful storm!

My lady come, now let us go,

To Northamptonshire let us go:

Let's board a sail from Upton Mill,

On Wotton brook now let us row

And the lady said "come, let us go,

To Warwickshire now let us row"

By Jay, "The Silver Bells"




  1. Freudian you are with brooms I see.  Much deeper meaning that word.  Will ponder it all day! lol  My deeper question though is: do you think in rhyme?  As easily as your words flow, I would be willing to place a wager!  Well penned, now get ye broom and sweep away the debris.  (So sayest the wife for life! lol)

  2. Very melodious, I can place myself in all your boats!  Thank you.

  3. The brides with their brooms,left there grooms;

    took to sweep their tears

    as they were left behind,

    the brides indeed

    enjoyed the rowing boat ride!!

    Loved your poem and forgive me it was another one of those all nighters(didn't get much sleep)  and the earthquake experience to day didn't exactly rock me to sleep!!  Cheers!!

  4. Very descriptive. U can make the reader live the moment and yet participate especially if he was a groom. U need to look after the rhyme . 4 ex: like HOME/ STORM. most of th rhyme was a repetition of GO & ROW..  weakens the strength of Ur poem. However, It was a colorful dynamic picture w/ lots of going & rowng. I like it . :)

  5. I love it

    Its a lovely modern day interpretation of a sort of Sense-and-Sensibility-esque atmosphere. Finally something different from all that whiney stuff. Almost has the sound of a nursery rhyme.

    One thing that IMO can be improved is the, how do you call it, beat?

    to north-ham-ton-shire .... lettus go

    my la-dy come.... now lettus go

    lets board a sail from up-ton mill

    on wot-ton brook ... now lettus row

    It doesn't come out right, you end with the same rhyme, but the syllables don't add up, making it sound unnatural. It does add a bit of charm to the whole thing, but I'm a sucker for a nice beat.

  6. I live on the water and related to this one. However, are you going to sail or row? If you are going to row, I suggest you stay out of the ocean!!

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