
To Parent; which more important to your Kid; had good moral or get good grade?

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To Parent; which more important to your Kid; had good moral or get good grade?




  1. its like love and marriage , you cant have one without the other.

  2. Good Morals.  They both are VERY important, but I would rather my child do the right thing and know what the right thing is.  You can get through life with only doing OK in school (sometimes even doing crappy), but if you don't have good morals, who knows where you will end up...Jail maybe

  3. Morals.  Some kids have learning disabilities that cause them to not have good grades, even if they're trying their best.

  4. Both.  You almost can't have one without the other.  If your kids has good morals, then he should be mature enough to study and do what it takes to have good grades.  

  5. What is more important to my kid....getting to sleep in on the weekends and unlimited computer access (will never happen).

    I expect my kids to try hard at everything in life, grades, morality etc.  If they bring home a D or an F and I know they tried their hardest to the best of their ability then they will not get talked down to by me.

  6. danielle is correct. without one you almost cannot have the other. Grades are VERY important to me, but morals are something that will follow you for the rest of your life. You can fail a test and 3 years down the road not remember it, but once you lie steal or cheat it will follow you forever. Morals for ME!!!

  7. Good morals. But I would also care about good grades. That does not mean straight A's but D's and below are unacceptable  

  8. Ideally both, but I'd rather have a child who falls behind on grades that at least knows right from wrong.  I honestly think morals are way more important than a letter grade.

  9. good hair

  10. I would much rather see good character and high morals in my child than see him/her be a total jerk and get good grades.  If my child has high morals, at least I now he/she will try his/her hardest.  They may not get the best grade, but at least I will know they worked hard.

    If a person with no morals gets a good grade. how do I know they didn't cheat?

    To those saying you can't have one without the other...that's bull.  One doesn't need to have good morals to earn a good grade.  And one doesn't need good grades to have good morals.  That's like saying only intelligent people can have good morals, or only moral people are intelligent....Not true.

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