
To Pregnant Ladies: Is your husband/partner spoiling you more now that you're PG? Just curious, mines NOT!?

by Guest44519  |  earlier

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So I read in a magazine that Mark Wahlberg always goes out to get food for his fiancee, to the grocery store or whatever, at all hours of the day & night whenever she has food cravings & I've heard of other guys who also do this.

Me? I'm 8 months PG with our 2nd child & my husband is NOT doting like that at all, in fact until recently he was having me run out to the store to buy him cigarettes! Should I like, freak out on him or start yelling or something?




  1. My husband spoiled me rotten during the pregnancy - then again, I really didn't ask him to do all that much extra, really - no 4am trips for ice cream of any of that stuff.

    Now that our son is here, I'm still being spoiled.

  2. Honey I am so sorry!!  Just talk with him and see if he comes around.  I am on full bedrest and have been for about a month now and my hubby does everything for me.  And he doesnt complain, he says he enjoys taking care of me.  He has honestly been this way since we got pregnant.  Every pregnant woman deserves this so talk with him and make him wake up.  Good luck to you!!!!

  3. He does this time because he understands better what I am going through, but during my first pregnancy he just thought that I was acting like a spoiled brat because of what other family members doing for me.

  4. I am not sure if this is right. Are you sure he still cares for you?  

  5. That sucks! Your husband will only treat you as poorly as you let him.  

  6. My man is the sweetest man I have ever met but he does not spoil me nor would I want him to. I've been very lucky though and have had a very smooth pregnancy so I don't require a lot of extra help.

    I wouldn't yell at him...that's no way to get what you want.

    Tell him you feel like he could help out a little more. That you'd appreciate his help and TELL him what could be helpful. He can't always guess what you need or want. He is not a mind reader.

    I hope things work out!

    Best wishes!

  7. No, everyones different.

  8. Mine is the same, he is great but treats me no different to how he did when i wasnt preggo. I wouldnt bother freakin out on him if you can put up with it!! It will just stress you out.

  9. I Wish im 38 weeks and i still carry the laundry up and down the stairs cook dinner every night, clean, everyday and make sure our 2 dogs are taken care of and he plays playstation and on the computer when hes not at work, i wish i was spoiled more, but o well im happy thats all the matters to me

  10. my hubby has helped a little but not alot. he has alot to do. I am a stay at home mom with 3 kids. My hubby has work, school and then comes home late in the night. I have been on bed rest and very sick. just till the last mth has he helped out more. but i give him alot. he is a father to his own child and two step-kids he takes for car rides late at night when im sick of being in the bed lol. I still do the household stuff but my two older kids have helped out alot. at most when cooking is the nasty thing i can't stand to cook while im prego the smell has me running to the bath room.  what makes me up set is that sometimes he dosn't seem to want to be part of the preg, like when i get  baby stuff he isn't excited like I am. but oh well i still love him for all he does.  

  11. why would u want to yell at him for not waiting on u hand and foot? i wouldnt want my husband to do every lil thing for pregnant not handicapped!

  12. Well my husband helps me out and if I need something he is there but I would never wake him up in the middle of the night to go get me a pint of ice cream or anything ridiculous like that. He works 6 days a week and I am a housewife, I am currently only 5 1/2 months but if I really needed something I am capable of getting it myself. I think you should just calm down, I understand your carrying his child but that doesnt mean he has to drop everything and cater to your every need.

  13. My husband was an angel when I was pregnant with our first boy. I have done nothing but brag about him ever since. This time around though he hasn't been as attentive. Granted I've had a much easier pregnancy but he's not nearly as willing to rub my feet or do things for me like he was before. I think it just has to do with having another kid that make us both exhausted and him not being so worried about me because I've done it before. I still love him to death but I definitely think guys probably aren't as attentive the second time around because we've both already been there done that. Just keep communicating with him that you need some love and maybe he'll get the hint!! :)

  14. I know what you mean! I get so mad when I read those articles, lol. I'm almost 7 months and my fiance doesn't help me at all. I wish every time I wanted a whopper jr he would go out and get me one, but I asked once and he went nuts about it. Yeah, he expects me to pick stuff up for him, carry in groceries and heavy things by myself and when I ask for help, he gets all ticked off. It's a bunch of c**p, they're being bullies. I'd say, "HEY, buddy-I'm the one who's pregnant here, so you need to get off your a$$ and get me some food. Start helping me! It's not right that I should have to do everything! You need to start pampering me, jerk!"..that's what I'd say, but I'd probably go ape $hit and say a lot more, lol. Good luck! :)

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