
To Teach or not to Teach

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I am a high school junior and am seriously considering going into teaching but am unsure of the pay. How much does the average high school teacher make yearly? And does this go up in areas with a stronger teachers union like Milwaukee or bigger rougher cities?




  1. not

  2. hmm im not sure about the change

    but i think they get paid like a minimum of 30 or 40 something dollars a day or hour

  3. On average, a high school teacher just starting out would make 45K.  I'm sure other people will tell you different.  I'm just telling you what it is where I live (and I do research these things because I too am going into teaching).  It will vary from place to place, but you can get an idea.  A few years into it and with experience, you would make 50K I guess.

  4. Not sure on the exact numbers, but for the amount of work and effort teachers have to do they don't make a whole lot. unless you worked at a private school, then you can slack as a teacher and actually get paid a lot more which is pretty messed up o.O

  5. As everyone else said, it depends on where you live.  I have been a teacher for 8 years now, and I have been more than able to support myself, and my family.  My pay is so-so compared to some of my friends in other fields, but my benefits are great!

    A note about public and private, private does pay more, which should not be confused with parochial (religious affiliation).  Parochial schools often pay less.  However, they often have less stringent certification requirements.  

    Check out the web site I have listed below.  It has some great information on it!

  6. teach because you love the job, not because of the pay (or else it would be get a job you don't like but a high pay--- in this case you'll get burned out and have to find something else)

  7. Teaching salaries vary widely depending on where you live, but they tend to make less than most other professionals.  If money is of major importance to you, don't go into the profession.  

    If you like teaching, the money isn't important, but the job satisfaction can be incredible if you have the right fit.

    Incidentally, a previous poster said that private school teachers make a lot of money.  Not true.  Most private schools pay their teachers far less than public schools in the same community and the teachers work just as hard.  But there aren't usually as many discipline problems, so the job satisfaction can be greater.  Again, it is all about the fit.

  8. In my district first year teachers start at $36,000.  We live in a city with a cost of living much higher than average, yet teacher salaries are very similar to the rest of the nation.  You will never get rich doing this, but you can make a living if you stick to a budget and do not expect to have luxury everything.  Good luck!

  9. Pay isn't that great. Benefits are so so. But if you are looking into teaching because of pay, just stop. Kids need teachers that want to teach.

  10. Each school district pays teachers differently.  When I began my teaching career 10 years ago I started at 33,000 a year.  If I were still with that district I would be up to 45,000 (with a masters degree).  In my current district I'm up to 56,000 a year.  Teacher's don't usually go into teaching for the pay.  Teaching has to be something you are very passionate about.  Good luck with that decision.  

  11. The amount you get paid will depend on the district you work for. Your pay will increase as your experience increases. There are "steps" on the salary schedule. Starting out, you would be at step 0 (that's how much experience you have). I am going into my ninth year of teaching, and I am at step 8 because I have eight years of teaching experience under my belt.

    You should be able to support yourself just fine. When the time comes, be sure and "shop around" and apply for different districts in and around your area.

    I must add that I am impressed you are considering your future. We need great teachers. I hope you continue to pursue teaching. Good luck to you!  

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