
To a woman. If you went to be with a man who had a prince albert would you be turned on?

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To a woman. If you went to be with a man who had a prince albert would you be turned on?




  1. Good heavens, no.  I think I would be worried about infection & also the mental stability of someone that went in for self mutilation of that sort.

  2. This question has nothing to do with ROYALTY,which means MONARCHY and does not necessarily deal with any old question that uses the word "prince". Your Question belongs in SOCIAL SCIENCE or HEALTH.

  3. Just too weird.

  4. What the h**l are ya'll talking about ? Is "prince Albert" some type of kinky sh**?

  5. clever use of the Royalty section!

    That sort of Prince Albert is disgusting, unhygienic and anyone who contemplates it should be shot.

  6. lmao by the fact that this was categorized in the "royalty" section. i wouldnt be grossed out or turned off, but piercings make me feel like i have to be extra careful w/ the person so as not to hurt them. even if the guy had nipple piercings or a lip peircing, it makes me kind of afriad i might hurt them. idk maybe thats me.

  7. No I would be worried about hygiene.

  8. So, tell us, how was Prince Albert?

  9. NO painful and wierd

  10. Only if she has a magnetic personality!

  11. I wouldn't go near the sort of man who goes in for ritual mutilation.

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