
To add my 17 yr old to my car ins. is an additional $300 a month. Anything cheaper?

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To add my 17 yr old to my car ins. is an additional $300 a month. Anything cheaper?




  1. That seems way out of line unless your 17 year old has had several accidents or has a really expensive car or something. Get a few insurance quotes, there are many companies that allow you to do so on-line.

  2. Well that seems a bit high to me. Insurance companies look at a number of different factors when determining your insurance rate such as age, gender, marital status, driving record, type of vehicle driven, and location.  Insurance for a new driver is usually pretty expensive, especially when compared to how much your probably paying for yourself.  What type of vehicle are you trying to insure them under? I would list them as the primary driver on the cheapest vehicle you own even if that's not the one they are driving. Avoid any sports cars or luxury cars. Also, is your child a good student (B average or better?) That can save you alot each month.

    Some insurance companies cater more to teen drivers, so I would recommend comparing insurance quotes from 3-5 different insurance companies to see which one will offer you the cheapest rate for your son/daughter. The insurance company you have now might be the cheapest for you but not for your child so it's a good idea to do some extra research to save money. The site below is really helpful because it allows you to compare quotes for all of the insurance companies in your area for free.

    Good Luck!

  3. that is insane,try geico,we switched and cut our yearly payments inhalf

  4. Kids are very expensive to add to your insurance.My agent told me it would be cheaper for me to get my son his own cheap car in my name and insure it for liability and property damage as opposed to adding him to my policy to drive my car.This was back in 2003 and for him to drive my 2002 4x4 pickup was going to be $220.00 more a month.So now maybe $300.00 is about normal.A shocker huh?

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