
To adopt a child must each bio parent sign a paper?

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We are thinking of adopting our grandbaby because her parents are young and irresponsbile. We take care of her anyway and have the means to do so; her mother could just go about her business as far as we're concerned. We would be happy to just out right adopt the baby if her mother says yes but the father says no do we still have a chance?




  1. Be careful, because if the mom says yes, and signs consent and the dad says no, he has a chance of getting custody and actually suing her for child support.  However, if he makes an effort to be a good father (it sounds like a no since you are taking care of the child), he should have the child, because parents should have the opportunity to raise their kids.  Good luck, and whatever happens, I hope it is what is best for the child.

    Also, please ask yourself this, are you being an enabler to the mom going out whenever she pleases, and not being the parent she has the potential to be.  Sometimes, a tough love approach with support and guidance may be what the baby needs to have successful, good parents.

  2. as long as his name is on the birth certificate then he has to sign the adoption papers.

  3. If the father is listed on the birth certificate it will be a little more difficult. Depending on what state you are in, you would have to show abandonment.

  4. I would definitely recommend checking out the laws in your state.

    Is the birth father involved with the child in terms of visitation and child support?

    I had a child from a previous relationship. The bio dad  knew about the baby, but never laid eyes on him or attempted to contact us in anyway.

    When I became involved with the man who is now my husband, I was able to file for the termination of the bio dad's parental rights via abandonment. My husband was then able to adopt my son.

    You'd probably have an easier time going about it if the bio dad is not involved and you can claim abandonment. If he is involved, I don't think there's away to force him to sign over his rights.

  5. This depends on your state.  In some states, the father has to file paternity papers to claim any paternal rights.  If he hasn't done so, then you will most likely not have problems.  Again, this depends on your state.

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