any one who read or posted this is another up date ,i couldnt make sence out of how she could know so much and look like me and my other 2 daughters and she wouldent or couldnt give the last 3 numbers on her bc,well i calmed down for a while and told my self to at least block my phone number and call just to her her voice ,im glad i did cause when i called she then verified her compleat bc number and said that she to was concerned about me just being a scammer so thats why she wasnt willing to give the bc number. And yet her i sit still questioning,its awful we are mother and child and we are complete stangers .im going to try to get DNA done so i can have absolute unquestionable dought . I am very untrusting because of cards ive been delt in life. keeping records away from adoptees including the real birth name is so wrong .