
To adults 27 and older ONLY please: Why is having s*x so important?

by  |  earlier

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I know it's necessary to reproduce, but people have it and want it WAY more times than they even think of wanting children. What is your opinion as to why this is?




  1. Other than the fact that it feels good?  Dunno, really.  I've never had much interest in s*x with other people.  I'm fine on my own. ;)

  2. it feels goood

  3. It's fun.

    It's free.

  4. the male s*x drive is second only to self preservation in natures list of priorities, where as a mothers insticnt to protect there young is the strongest. you see a pattern here? it's nature's way of insuring the survival of the species.

  5. its not always about the fact of producing kids. Yes, s*x is something men and women should enjoy too. It is a pleasurable thing that married couples should both take part in.

  6. It's call hormones. You know...nature just kind of urges people do to such things, and can't help wanting to...

    Although as for "importance," it does help cement the bond between mates and keep it that way.

  7. that s*x drive or desire is part of the reproductive process, most healthy people have a pretty good s*x drive well into and past their 40's. And there are exceptions to that as well.

    That desire or drive is just a part of being human.

  8. It feels good.  Dont we all want things that feel good, give us natural highs?  I mean, whether its s*x, your drug or drink of choice, the moment you find out you got the job you really wanted, or the time you spend with your dog.  Whatever it is, we all want to do things that make us feel good.

  9. I think that the media and society today makes it a big deal.  It's good that you see the over-importance in the world today on a basic act which is reserved for married people in the privacy of their bedroom.

  10. I think the media and tv really enhance the fact that everyone should have all the s*x in the world.  Magazines do too.. Cosmo...

    in my opinion.. s*x is enjoyable between 2 people that love each other (preferable married couples).  It's love first.... s*x naturally comes next (in my world ha ha )  I think it's an intimate act that has been blown up into this crazy hobby.  I'm gonna be honest and say that I don't have to have s*x to survive in this world.   I do enjoy moments with my husband, but it's not a major factor of our relationship.    Our relationship is based on love, trust, respect, companionship, and s*x is just an added bonus.  

  11. it's one of the best things there is...sorry if you don't get off...

  12. It feels good. Its having the closeness of another body next to yours.  It's good exercise.  It reduces stress.  It boosts your immune system.  

  13. It's something we are genetically programmed to do so we are compeled to do it.  Plus it fells great, not to mention the fact that we live our lives surrounded by images of s*x, sometimes apparent often it's more subtle.  

    But would I myself tell someone they should have s*x? no.

  14. Why? Because it feels good, it releases serotonian  (the happy chemical) and also when u love someone u cant take your hands of them so its a way to express your feelings and not keep them couped up.

  15. It's simply the natural order of things. Having s*x is a way of becoming closer to the person you love, it's expressing your love for them by giving them pleasure in the most intimate way.  And - it feels good, it's a stress reliever and good for your health, if you practice safe s*x.

  16. Well I'm 15 lol.

    My guess is that having s*x is not important; it's just that people like the feeling/experience s*x gives them. Some do it because they like how it feels, others just for fun (weird), and a lot of other reasons I don't want to know. Also, there is peer pressure (everyone is doing it, why shouldn't I?) and the media today.

  17. lol why not 26? :P 18 is age of consent

    When two people love each other, they want to make each other feel good, right? such as buying them chocolate flowers etc...

    well s*x can make someone feel truly good, also it invokes a special emotions, sexual emotions feel very good and are distinct from happiness, angst, etc other emotions. Also its a way of building a private bond with someone.

    while i agree that promiscuity (or s*x at a very young age, for that matter) is not a good thing, theirs nothing wrong with s*x for reasons other than procreation

  18. Because its a sin for all the seed i spill on the ground

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