
To al pilots and passengers out there what was your worest problem you've had on a plane and what happend?

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To al pilots and passengers out there what was your worest problem you've had on a plane and what happend?




  1. Landed in a severe thunderstorm in Toronto while on-board a 747. The plane was pitching rather violently as the pilot attempted to dodge individual thunder cells. We had been in the holding pattern for half an hour when without warning the pilot put the aircraft into a steep dive and made for final. In was the roughest ride I have ever experienced in any aircraft but the light show was fantastic. A couple of overhead doors popped open, the wings were flapping like a freaking seagull and my fellow passengers were tossing their cookies. When we 'HIT' the runway (three times) the rain was so heavy that we could not see out the windows. By that time the thunder cell was right over the airport and we were the last flight in for over two hours. One and a half of those hours was spent parked on a taxiway because the airport authorities would not allow the plane up to the ramp because of severe electrical activity.

    ------- and my PIC flew a Cessna 152 through a snowbank at the end of the runway in Orillia one evening. Damned near tore the landing gear off but we did land successfully. That was a heavy laundry day.

  2. In Ice in a single engine airplane in southern Minnesota/western Wisconsin in the winter, no big deal, until my oil pressure went to zero. I landed at the nearest airport, barely VFR, and was glad to be on the ground. Went to an old lady's house to get a ride to the local bar. The end.

  3. If you don't mind, I have a two-parter  ....

    The first was a near-miss.  While flying, the pilot hit the test button instead of the identify button for the squawk code, therefore we weren't highlighted on radar, and at the moment we were closing-in on another aircraft, it wasn't realized we were also there.  It was over as soon as it happened ...  the other aircraft crossed us 'bout 50 yards dead-ahead (no pun intended).

    The second story had more of an emotional effect on me....

    I was fueling aircraft at Whiteman Airport in California, (a general aviation airport).  I was at the fuel-pit with a co-worker, and we happened to be watching an aircraft land.  It turned-out that it was a student pilot with an instructor. They seemed to be landing rather fast.  Well, he started bouncing on his left main, and heading smack-towards the fuel-pit, which included two fuel-trucks filled with 80 and 100 octane.  There he was, bouncing along, out of control getting closer FAST.  I yelled (shrieked like a little girl?) a warning, began to run, and dove over the fence.  The plane only began to lose his forward speed mere yards before the fuel-pit, and ended up clipping of his left wing-tip by knocking-off the driver's side mirror on one of the trucks, leaving a scratch all the way along the side of the fuel-truck tank.  He eventually came to a stop.

    Ever see a Chiquaqua shake?  I don't know what was more violent ...  his shaking with bugged-out eyes,  or his vomiting.  

    Funny thing though, I never saw him at the airport after that.

  4. In 30 years as a pilot i have had one engine failure and one electrical fire.

    Both times i was able to land the plane safely.

    The engine failure was the worst as you have to land NOW.

    I put it down in a hayfield. No damage to plane or passenger.

    The electrical fire resulted in a deviation to the nearest airport, again no harm to plane or passengers.

  5. A passenger on a flight from Toulouse to London had a heart attack. We had priority to land with a no noncence procedure to get the aircraft down as fast and safe as possible.

    It was the most bumpiest landing with such a loud bang that we thought that the undercarriage was going to pop through the wings.

    Other than a few screams in the cabin we taxied to the gate and the poor man vacated the aircraft first and made a recovery.

    Good news all round apart from the high speed landing (at night)

  6. I was on a JAL 747-400 once, and I puked because of turbulence. Luckily, the super-hot flight attendants gave me some sort of pill. I fell asleep, and I woke up about two hours later, just when we were about to land in LAX. After landing, my mom lost some document she needed to get past customs. But we found it, got out of LAX, and were picked up by my aunt's friend in his CR-V.

  7. I was on a 777 heading for Honolulu and we started leaking hydraulic fluid from the left engine we turned around to the airport immediately and landed safely although the pilot did land in a bit of a hurry he was making very fast corrections on final. I remember seeing the fire trucks ambulances and other airport vehicle's lined up with the runways as we landed. No one was hurt nor was the plane we ended up being delayed 6 hours

  8. ive had a couple of near misses including one where i was in a CRJ 200 and then a learjet passed within a hundred feet of us it was scary. Another thing is when i was going to vegas we had really bad turbulence and many passengers were beginning to freak out.

  9. No crashes or anything from me - just some scary turbulence and landings!

    1) Descending into Brunei, we were all standing up having a little chat as the seatbelt signs wer off and all was calm. We were just going through the cloud, and as we came out of the bottom, we hit an air pocket. The aircraft lurched down about 500ft pitching nose up. Aircraft then settled. My mum was talking to the FA's, who screamed "OH MY GOD" when we hit it, and I daresay the captain was very quick with the seatbelt signs and the FA sounded distinctly shaken on the announcement!!! I was on a Boeing 767, and the wings, which flex alot normally, went down to roughly flat!!!

    2) Landing in Athens, the wind was BAD!!! The airplane was rolling from side to side, rain on the windows, thunder, pitching up and down, engines spooling up then down, very scary!

    3) Landing in Heathrow, hard approach, VERY hard landing, OH lockers fell open and massive crash on touchdown. (This was on BA)

    And one more...

    4) Flying to Prague with a 4-inch nail in the tyre because it was deemed not necessary to replace the tyre

  10. After taking off, I realized that my oil pressure was zero! I still went ahead and flew to my destination.Now I wonder WHY?

    I also was chased by a tornado in TX.But I just turned back and got the biggest soak at the ramp. From the air, you really can feel the power of the Mother Nature.

    For the worst, once on a summer afternoon I flew with a very close buddy of mine. After putting the plane in the hanger, he told me “See you this weekend”. Right after that he went to another airport and flew a light twin. And on a MVFR day on the final, he lost one of his engines and went on a spiral and never recovered.


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