
To all Brits. Is this the worst Summer Weather youv'e ever known?

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To all Brits. Is this the worst Summer Weather youv'e ever known?




  1. nope - last years was worse

  2. Yeah its been so bad.

  3. no last year was even worse rained almost all summer long at least this year we have had some nice days

  4. Ha ha ha ha, this Brit is in Japan, this is how Summer should be, just balmy day after balmy day. Sorry to hear that you're getting the usual back in Blighty though, I remember last year's summer was just two months of rain too. Chin up, what?

  5. No not really.Maybe I have more of them under my belt than you?

    In June 1976 when we moved into our first house it snowed. Then a week later we kicked into a 6-week drought.

    A recent newspaper item reckoned we'd been 'spoiled' by good summers 2 and 3 years ago and now this 'normal' British summer weather looks bad in comparison.

    Where's me brolly?

  6. Last year was much worse hardly any sun and cold. This year has been disappointing but todays ok

  7. I don't know? last year was pretty **** too.. apparently our summer is moving to Sept Oct.. ???  

  8. Not as wet as last year but still it's pretty rubbish with no where near enough hot sunny days :-(

    That's why i'm looking at moving to Spain :-)

  9. No, it was just as bad last year. You've got a short memory!

  10. Yeh it's really bad, thats why i'm going on holiday (abroad again this year) It's very depressing :(

  11. no. this is normal British weather

  12. I'm sure there have been worse.

  13. Last year was just as bad

  14. No last year was worse  

  15. Could be, I am British living in Switzerland and it is c**p here as well, one day it is 25 ° the next ( today ) it is bloody freezing and raining, so you are not alone  

  16. No. Actually apart from the last few weeks this summer has been OK.

    Last year we had a heatwave in April, then hardly any decent weather at all.

    It seems to be the pattern now that every year we get one month where it just rains and rains. This year it's August.

  17. Last year was worse with the floods. I almost got stuck at work in Rotherham and people died. This year isn't brilliant but that may be because of the La Nina occurring right now. Next year please bring an El Nino!

  18. today is nice, anti pasti and wine alfresco for me

  19. I say it is sahara desert in africa

  20. no not really, i have known summer, ha, ha,  when we have had snow, and hail, rain, and as many changes of weather in a day than you can shake a stick at.  

  21. Heck yeah. Its summer for god sakes lets see some sunshine , but all we get is rain rain rain.

    yesterday we had thunder and bloody lightening!

    What up with that!!!


  22. Last year was just as sh it

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