
To all Brits out there... isn't this sick?

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I just saw a disgusting news article on the BBC website...

I mean first, they were making mothers taste their own breast milk (not like a few drops but whole gulps of it)... now this???




  1. I don't know where your from mate, but from the fact you refer to us as 'you brits' i cant only assume your american.

    i can understand that its a bit silly that he was prevented from boarding until he removed his t-shirt, but anyone with a bit of common sense wouldnt wear anything depicting violence at an airport.

    additionally this it britain we are talking about here, i know from experience that our country seems like a bit of a police state, but it is one of the only places where people held with county security are recruited from selection and the laws and policies are very accurate.

    in this case, he wore a shirt with a gun on it, it wouldnt bother me but it would bother anyone with discomfort in the idea of guns being onboard a plain.

    im rambling on a bit but i cant best explain this.  so just try to look at it the same you would look at someone who cries 'BOMB' as a joke halfway to new york from heathrow airport :P

  2. It's a bit ott, granted, but why would a fully grown man want to wear a transformers T shirt anyway? Perhaps it wasn't airport security, but the "fashion police" I wouldn't be seen dead out with my husband if he was wearing that, it's embarrassing.

  3. lol =)) its only a transformers t-shirt

    from glasgow mayte


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