
To all Capricorn men, does a Capricorn ever get over someone?

by Guest59495  |  earlier

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As a Capricorn I have been involved with another Capricorn for a little over a year. We split some 4 months ago, but had recently met to discuss other issues.

I am not sure about him but I know that I still have feelings for him. Should I follow my heart knowing that this may be a dead-end relationship because of a big age difference and because of different backgrounds, or should I just leave it at that??




  1. Give your DOB,TOB,POB PLEASE SEND ON or

  2. You probably still have feelings for him because you have a history with him.  Girls tend to hold on to memories more than most guys do.  If he's not actively pursuing, then all you have are memories.  Maybe it's time to move on and find someone who can and will appreciate you now and in the future rather than trying to hang on to someone who doesn't even value your past.

  3. Of course you can get over it... but if you are a Capricorn and your Venus is in Capricorn, you will be attracted to older or "established" people as lovers... so he sounds like he fits your bill... but there are many others out there that might fit your bill...

    Different ages & backgrounds are surmountable, but then, why did you split? Was it the age or backgrounds? Or were there other problems?

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