
To all Capricorns? How do you get angry or frustrated?

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Say if I am your friend, how do I know if you are angry? I don't have any clues..





  1. capricorns dont show their anger outwardly... its difficult to find out, but if u see him loosing interest or not listening it can show his frustration

  2. With me its hard to tell, I become very silent, but act as if nothing is wrong, they call me the silent storm. My husband is also a Cap and is very outspoken so he'll say what's on his mind right then and there. I think a lot and more often than not over analyze the situation. I internalize my anger. People who know me know that when I am silent and smiling to stay the h**l away from me so they won't incur my wrath. I don't take it out on innocent people though just the ones that deserve it. Best of luck!

  3. If I am upset with YOU, I will avoid you until I'm ready to discuss it. I have to throroughly analyze the situation, and when i'm ready, we can discuss it calmly.

    I'm a cap.

  4. I mock you ..

  5. Capricorns bluster.  Look for over exaggerated speech in the outgoing cap and in the introverted cap look for grinding of the teeth or widening eyes - this is where the bluster is scrolling across the inside of their heads.

    when you say something they'll physically or mentally end up speaking like Yosemite Sam 'ragga fragga, consarnit' blustering up and down until you deflate them.

    Hope that helps,




  6. I fight for freedom, right to free speech and peace.

  7. being ignorant. That gets me, like not listening. Uh..Like when you say something and have nothing to back it up with, haha, Being mad for no reason, Like taking it out on me.

    You know what anyone else would get mad about.

    but everyones different

  8. If you are my friend and I get angry with you, you'll definitely know, LOL

    I don't usually get angry, but when I do it's very obvious..I think my whole attitude sends a pretty clear message. My speech volume and speed are increased, I have that lunatic look...sort of like "I could kill you right now" or "the more you say, the worse it becomes for you", LOL.Other than that, I may break things to let my anger out (but only when they are mine, because I hate causing damage to others)

    Alternatively, I might as well say nothing, but keep brewing inside until one day you realize I've been dangerously silent and start worrying...Then when you finally decide to ask what's wrong with me, I'll most probably tell you, because I don't like staying angry for a long time...but I'll probably be more frustrated with the fact that you didn't ask soon enough, LOL

    In other words, just ask...It's the shortest way :)

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