
To all Ebay users..Do you agree with my statement and is it okay to attach this to all my sales

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PLEASE NOTE: When selling an item, I await your feedback as a Buyer before sending you feedback..




  1. I think its absolutely fine but you might want to word it a bit better.

    My feedback is set up to leave feedback automatically once I have received theirs and won't leave any unless I receive theirs first.

    I like feedback so I know that they have received their item so maybe you can phrase it like that.

    "Please leave me feedback so I know that the item has reached you safely and I will do the same for you. Many Thanks"

  2. I don't agree at all. I always felt it was the SELLER who should leave feedback first, since the buyer's only responsibility is to pay in a timely manner. Once the buyer does that, then they have done what they are supposed to do and shown themselves to be a good customer. They should receive positive feedback ASAP, because they have fulfilled their sole responsibility as buyer. A seller should never hold the feedback for ransom until the buyer gives the seller feedback!

    I always give my buyers feedback as soon as they pay, and I appreciate it when sellers do the same for me when I am the buyer.

    If you are worried about not receiving feedback, there is nothing wrong with gently reminding your buyers to give it after they receive their item(s). Something like, "Thank you for your winning bid! I hope you are happy with your item(s). I have left you positive feedback for your quick payment. If you are satisfied with this transaction, please do the same for me. Thanks again!"

  3. As you can see, some buyers do not like that at all. So that could turn off some potential buyers. A few crazy ones will even neg you for not leaving fb first. But those are rare.

    Since eBay took away sellers' ability to neg it has less impact to withhold fb as a looming threat of retaliation.

    Personally I don't have a problem with sellers who wait until I leave fb first. As a seller, I leave it first and haven't had a problem. But I'm pretty confident in my products and performance as a seller.

    I think MOST buyers would be okay with your stipulation.

  4. That's how it works I don't think you really need to state it!

  5. there are no rules to say you cant

  6. That's perfectly fine.  I use Ebay quite a lot and yours isn't the first I've seen, although it should really be buying instead of selling.  Apart from that there should be no problems.  Hope you get lots of positive feedback.

  7. its a sure fire way to drive away buyers. If the buyer completes his end of the deal first (which is usually how it works), then you should give them feedback. What you are proposing is a blackmail to ensure you get good feedback.

  8. It sounds a bit demanding...

  9. I think that is a fine idea if feedback is important to you.

  10. Nope, because e-bay no longer allows sellers to give feedback on their buyers.  Got too messy.

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