
To all Republicans who still say Obama will raise their taxes,?

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please give specific examples of how Obama's tax plan will raise your taxes.




  1. Where is the money for his tax cuts going to come from?

    The windfall profit tax on oil companies will be paid for by the taxpayers who purchase gas every few days..... Your paying more either way...

  2. I heard him say he wants a tax code that rewards work not wealth.

    Last time I checked, I work to create a little wealth.  No point in working if the government is going to take away any wealth that I build up (or even a big chunk of it).

    I heard him talk about increasing taxes on corporations, CAPITAL GAINS, etc.

    Do you know what capital gains are?

    "A capital gain is a profit that results from the sale or exchange of a capital asset; such as "stocks", "bonds", or "real estate" which exceeds the purchase price"

    Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, etc are where many Americans save money for retirement and other things.

    If he raises taxes there, he is essentially raising taxes on every American who owns stocks, bonds, real estate, and other capital assets.

    He just thinks he can out smart the average american taxing the cr** out of them through the back door.

    Hope this helps.  

  3. obama is the best vote for him

  4. I'm not the one who said that Obama would raise taxes,

    Obama stated that very clearly, ask him.

  5. He wants to let the Bush tax cuts expire.  McCain will make them permanent.

  6. I don't think it all adds up," Isabel Sawhill, an official in President Clinton's Office of Management and Budget, said of Obama's spending plans.

    "There will definitely need to be a recalibration of these proposals once someone is in office," said Sawhill, now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. "The fiscal situation just isn't going to permit doing what Sen. Obama or anyone else would like."

    Obama would end the Bush tax cuts and allow the top two tax rates to return to 36 and 39.6 percent. He also would allow personal exemptions and deductions to be phased out for those with income over $250,000. The real kicker, though, is that Senator Obama would end the Social Security payroll tax cap for those over $250,000 in earnings. (The cap is currently set at $102,000.) These individuals will then face a tax rate of 15.65 percent from payroll taxes and the top income tax rate of 39.6 percent for a combined top rate of over 56 percent on each additional dollar earned.

    Senator Obama’s new tax rate would give the United States one of the highest tax rates among developed countries. Currently only six of the top 30 industrial nations have a tax rate for all levels of government combined of over 55 percent. Under Obama’s tax plan, the United States would join this group and have a higher top rate than such high-tax nations as Sweden and Denmark. The top marginal rate would exceed 60 percent with the inclusion of state and local taxes, which means that only Hungary would exceed Senator Obama’s new proposed top tax rate.

    Senator Obama’s tax rate would be the highest individual tax rate since the Jimmy Carter days. Tax shelters and tax avoidance strategies were common when the top marginal rate was 70 percent or higher. This new top tax rate will again encourage these gimmicks, reducing investment and economic growth as resources are squandered in an attempt to avoid punitive taxation.

  7. If you spend(social programs) more money you have to bring in more money (taxes)

  8. He will repeal the Bush tax cuts and look to fund an unprecedented amount of social programs. Where do you think that money will come from?

  9. Either candidate will have to raise taxes if they want to get the country out of debt. This is due to irresponsible fiscal responsibility of the current administration. Barack will cut taxes for the middle-class and lower-class taxpayers and raise taxes for the extremely wealthy ($250,000 + annual). McCain would cut them for the extremely wealthy while making the poor poorer. Some people can't get that through their heads.

    Even if Obama did raise our taxes, is that really so bad? Don't we want good schools for our children? Don't we want nice roads to drive on? Shouldn't we have health care for ALL Americans and their children? It's about the greater good, which is something republicans don't seem to understand. I don't get why many Americans think that these things should come for free.

  10. Obama has said time and time again that he wants to put a windfall profit tax on American oil companies.  As we all know by looking at our sales receipts whenever we buy something, corporations pass their taxes onto consumers, so that will raise your gasoline tax.

    He has also said he is in favor of raising capital gains taxes.  So, if you do any investing, sell houses, sell a small business, he wants to raise taxes on you.


  11. I don't think Obama plan would get passed the way he is presenting it Nor do I think McCain can come up with a plan that would be 100% accepted by congress. It is just a platform for them to get our votes. I can't choose who to vote for to be honest.  

  12. IF this country is going to improve the last thing we need is any kind of tax increases, this means not just personal taxes but also business taxes. As the government actually gains nothing through these increases, Increases only force the individual or the business to look for ways to either change more or get the same services from other countries that do not cost as much to survive in.  Sure increase the taxes on businesses, and they will take their business and jobs out of the country, leaving less jobs. The country and states could gain more and boost the economy by lowering taxes as people would spend more to make up the difference. Example, raise taxes on cigarettes, and people roll their own, buy out of state or quit, now how many taxes have you gained, hint it will be in the negative numbers. But yes some would believe this helps the economy of their state, it is no different on the federal level. Raise taxes for businesses, and guess what they will move to Mexico, China, or where ever they can benefit the most. Stop threatening the oil companies, since when was it a crime to do well in business? Do you really want them gone so badly? PS. ANY tax increase will affect the average working person, regardless if they make over $250,000 or more, do you really think an increase on business taxes will not get passed unto the person who can least afford it?

  13. I make more than 250 a year.  His proposed death tax increase will be the death of me

  14. Taxes will have to go up, Bush put us in such a high deficit that's unavoidable now.  But, Obama will do it in a way that's fair and won't hurt the poorest - McCain will do it in a way that helps his buddies.

  15. Blue states pay more taxes. Blue states are willing to pay more taxes.

    Red states get more than their fair share. Red states pay less federal tax.

    If republicans, or rather their constituency, understood any math they would be FOR higher taxes.

  16. Gah! I'm getting tired of this!

    Obama will LOWER YOUR TAXES. I want to hit this point home - for 98% of Americans, Obama has said clearly and constantly that he will LOWER. YOUR. TAXES.

    It gets so frustrating when I hear Republicans just spit out "he's liberal, he's raising our taxes, big government" nonsense, etc.

  17. Well he did say it himself...


    are you an idiot...


  18. He won't raise taxes for those under 250,000:

  19. Ok his corprate tax plans it will directly impact all of America prices will go up and people will be laid off thats how....

  20. To all Democrats just where do you think Obama's going to find all the funding for his delusions of granduer?   Ohhh hes going to raise taxes all right so what if he throws the middle class a few crumbs in the form of a tax break.  Hes going to raise the capital gains tax and inheritance tax and corporate tax rates and institute a windfall profits tax. So what will happen?  Corporations will what ? Thats right students business will raise the price of their what?  Thats right their goods and services!  Very Good!  Then what will happen students?  Thats right business will start lay offs and put off any expansions.  Then what ? Businesses will take their operations over seas to more user friendly countries. Then what? Thats right students! Mommy and Daddy will lose their jobs !  Very very good !

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