
To all TRUE football fans out there , not you who think you know about football, I mean the REAL fans !!

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Week after week day after day I've defended LFC from Arsenal , Chelsea and Man U fans who wanted to put the boot in about us never winning the prem league and asking why we LFC fans are always so optimistic about our chances of winning the league . I am 38 years old and have been an LFC fan since I was 7. I am from Dublin . I feel as much for the club as any

scouser but here's the thing . When we beat Man U at Anfield in the FA cup Quarter final I should have been elated but I wasn't because in the process Alan Smith suffered an horrific injury . My stomach was sick ! When Eduardo was so badly injured against Birmingham I felt the same way . When John Terry missed the penalty in the CL final I thought , 100 grand a week won't numb that pain ! I suppose my question to REAL football fans is , Is winning and losing really that important ?? Can our passion and love for our clubs be so intense that we miss the bigger picture ?? LFC to win the prem league or my kids to live a full and healthy life ?? I know what I'd pick !! The great Bill Shankly Once said " football's not just a matter of life and death , it's more important than that ! The man is a legend and I Idolise him , but he was wrong ! Discuss .




  1. are so right! The problem is, there are far too many people out there who haven't got the brains to fully appreciate that there is actually life outwith football. They are so engrossed in their own little worlds that they can't see the forest for the trees. The majority wouldn't recognize a decent footballer if he jumped up, dribbled rings round them, added a few step-overs and left them on their a*se sucking wind unless he played in THEIR team's colours!

    .....and don't get me started on those morons who use the 'beautiful game' to spout their political, racist or sectarian beliefs (and I use the term 'belief' very loosely) to any who are stupid or naive enough to listen to them.

  2. ok, ok, ok, listen. YOU ARE RIGHT. If you as a FAN put a football club in the forefront of your life, you got issues. Like you said, for example, you cant put football in from of your family.

    It would be one thing if you were a professional footballer and your livlihood came from the game. Then the game IS the bigger picture!

  3. Delboy,

    In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter if your Reds trash my Toffees in the derby, because the last time I checked, tomorrow is never, never guaranteed.  For all I know, I could be walking home getting ready to watch Inter play Juventus on the tv, and out of nowhere, I get gunned down for no apparent reason at all.  For me, I'd rather make my time count while I'm here, because like Kanu, Lucio, Tim Howard and Kaká, I'm going to have to give an account as to what I did while I was here.

    Nemo Satis Nisi Iesum!  


    im delboy and you rodney

  5. Actually Futball is Life! If your a diehard fan you

    make it the center of your universe and everything

    else revolves around it. If your a player, coach or

    referee you understand that the game is where your life is.

    Now for the fan, he lives only for the next match, the next

    game on the tellie. He works hard to be able to enjoy his

    side especially when they win. The Diehard fan is not a

    fair weather friend. When the side throws down 5 games,

    and all is looking dismal, the fan is there come rain or

    shine to cheer their side on to victory, even if they are

    losing miserably. The fan immortalizes the favorite player,

    and when he has had a few too many ales will be more

    than happy to toss some bugger on his head for talking

    badly about the player's mother.

    Futball is Life. We live it, Love it, Eat it, Sleep it, even spend

    hours reading in the Loo about our favorite side.  

  6. OK....I'd have to think about it a while I suppose....but the kids can live.

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