
To all Yugioh Players answer this ? and rate my Dark Armed Dragon Deck

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Heres the question how many of you know who Hugo Adame is?

He made me this deck for august 23 regionals. Yes he also told me to add 3 solemns for the wind blast which i will do. he told me not to get crush card because it becoming banned

so please rate thanx


x3 Dark Armed Dragon

x2 Prime Material Dragon

Caius the Shadow Monarch

x2 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

x2 Destiny Hero Malicious

Destiny Fear Monger

Snipe Hunter

Dark Grepher

Destiny hero Disk Commander

Elemental Hero Stratos

Strike Ninja


x2 D D Crow


x2 Allure of Darkness

x3 Destiny Draw

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Mystical Space Typoon

x2 Reinforcement of the army

Brain Control

x2 Soul Exchange


x3 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force

Trap Dustshoot

Mind Crush

Side Deck

D D Crow

x2 Book of Moon

x3 Prohibition

x3 Bottemless Trap Hole

x2 Light Imprisoning Mirror

x2 Pulling of the Rug

x2 Dust Tornado




  1. -2 prime material dragon

    -2 dekoichi the battlechanted locomotive

    -2 soul exchange

    -1 pheonix wing wind blast

    -1 mind crush

    -1 trap dustshoot

    +1 caius the shadow monarch

    +1 jinzo

    +1 destiny hero fear monger

    +1 dark grepher or +2 armageddon knight

    +2 destiny hero dasher

    +1 fires of doomsday or +3 solemn judgement

    +2 bottemless trap hole

    this is the way the deck should be no primes and dekoichis because the deck already has enough draw power and solemns should make the deck over protected because u want hand control and prime takes that away

  2. d hero dasher..and darklord zerato.wind blast is really good

    gladiator protection.(if not heraklinos)

    your deck is good,

    when is crush card becoming bannend?

    if its not before regoinals, use one

    good deck

    go check out my Dragon Deck and tellme  what you think


  3. solemns r not need in dad makes it slow make it 2 pwwb and add a caius then the build will be awesome b4 changes 9/10 with 10/10

  4. you have 3 dark armed dragons arent each of those worth like 200 dollars each

  5. cool, but you have too many cards this will reduce the chance of pulling your strategy  

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