
To all bi-racial people: How does being mixed affect you?

by Guest67223  |  earlier

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I was wondering like what race to u identify with more, what race were you brought up to be (alot of people say you're black if u have a drop of black in you), what race do you date, did u ever feel discriminated against with being mixed? Personally, i have a white father and black mother, but my mom told me there was "no such thing" as mixed and i was black, thats how i would be treated. I do identify with being black more only becuz i live in a 99% black area, and i do date black men but i would date any race if I liked them.




  1. im wayyyy mixed up

    my dad is native american and colombian or something from south america,and mom is mostly white,but also black and native

    i identify mostly with blacks,natives and hispanics

    but,i dont consider myself much of anything,im 2many things to say just one....i used 2 consider myself just plain ol' native, 2 mixed up

    i date anything that isnt white or

    and yah..when i was lil,i used 2 feel descriminated in differented ways than i do now...even if it was just on the play ground at school

    but now,i get called all types of names,1 time i got called a n!qqa ch!nk sp!k...all i could do 2 tht person was

    but yah...

    ive had ppl tell me what i am not,what i am,and it gets really annoying !!!!

    things im mistaken for...

    1/2 mex 1/2 black

    puerto rican



    1/2 white 1/2 black



    FILIPIAN (i kno filipean isnt real,read under this)

    the other day..this woman walked up 2 me and my twin sister and was like "yall so pretty...yall twins?" and we were like "yep ^.^" and then she was like "yall talk so pretty, yall 'FILIPEAN'? "

  2. I'm white and my wife is black. She tells our son he is black because you are what your mother is.

  3. Swedish/Inuit (which is basically an Asian person who lives in the Arctic Circle) here, never was a big deal to me.  No one in the US mainland seems to know what an Iniuit is.  I identify as white because of a few reasons...

    -I'm 6'2 and have reddish-brown hair and blue eyes and pale skin, just my eyes and the shape of my face are a bit different (it's more obvious in my sisters)

    -I had next to no exposure to Inuit culture.  My grandma and grandpa did all sorts of traditional crafts and woodworking and taught me some of it... oh and they made really good smoked meat & salmon and I heard some interesting bedtime stories... but otherwise, yeah.

    -people look at me and say "white," and because of that, I'm treated like a white male.  I don't get treated like a mixed guy or a minority or an inuit, and that means that there are certain things I'm exposed to, or not exposed to.  I never thought of it being weird; my dad's short and stocky with dark hair, my mom's tall and thin with light hair, big deal.

    If anything it's frustrating when people think I'm lying about my heritage.  I've met a few other people who were mixed who have encountered the same thing... someone thinks they're black but trying to "act white" when they're half white and grew up in the 'burbs, things like that.

    I mostly date Asians or hapas (half Asians), because for whatever reason, they're what I find attractive.

  4. No such thing as mixed?  You're just black?  Wow... way to completely shove out %50 of your genetic and cultural makeup.  Way to go MOM!  Anyway... being "mixed" only affects you if you listen to morons who pay attention to that kind of c**p.  Your race doesn't affect the way you think.  The people you surround yourself with does, however...

  5. Being Black/Japanese has been dope.  

  6. I am half filipino and half white, and for the most part being mixed has not affected me. I think its stupid that people see all these racial barriers, we are all the same people.

  7. My mother is black and my father is white as well. I've never been discriminated against because of my being bi-racial, but because I'm from the North and was raised talking proper English, I am thought to be more "white." Personally, I find it rather frustrating though, because my skin is fairer and people have decided that because of that and my northern accent that I'm "white." People say that I need to act more "black." My thought on that is: "what exactly IS acting more black/white. I'm just the best me, I can be and if that to you is favoring a certain race that I am then I'm sorry....I'm glad that we can relate in a way though! :)

  8. I'm ojibway/german ... and personally im more "intuned" to my native side i wish i knew more about my german ancestory but i don't. I wish i could speak both languages but i got stuck with d**n english language... I think half breeds are better looking than someone who is pure white or black or brown... I think everbody should intermix and get rid of the ugly people :P anyways... I dont really think i was discriminated against... .... well actually people think of me as more white even though i have brown skin because of the way i talk. apparently i do not speak like an indian... than i say "neeeee not evennn"

  9. Yeah it does, it sucks because today in society they treat mixed people as if they have to choose, were either tooo white or tooo black.

    i like to experience both world & be an intelligent PERSON.

    idc about races, its all about how people represent themselves.

    i dont think there is such thing as white or black or these labels that everyone has put on each other, people should just learn to be themselves & not classify or limit themselves from getting to know other cultures just because they are a different race.

  10. Black & Puerto Rican mixed. I grew up with mostly black culture. As a youth, I experienced racism from both sides; At school, black girls would pull my hair and tease me and I often felt left out with the white or spanish kids. As for my adult life, I learned spanish and am very in tune to my heritage. I don't limit who I will date, but am mostly attracted to black men.

  11. i love being of both races

  12. Everyone is mixed race in some ways, just that some people would not admit it. I am mixed race and identify with my black indigenous side of my ancestry strongly. Whereas some in my family think that they are English, it is hilarious really ! We have English ancestry way way back and in my country, when the poms got here they brainwashed everyone into thinking that the British were a superior race. Crazy !

    Black and proud !  (I also love my Scottish heritage)

  13. Getting racist flak from white folk-people calling me "white", and I find it offensive.

    I'm proud of my black heritage.

    But there's no pure-blooded anything in this county.

  14. well im black with some asian in me kinda and i want half white children and will raise them to be white and black. i would want them to go to schools with lots of people of color and when they began they can date white or black but i would prefer white(please dont call me a sell out) i dont know why. .    i would want her to be very beautiful. . .like a model . i want them to be raised in a white/black area and i would give them green contacts and let them pass for white if they want to. .  .why shouldnt they . . they are just as white as they are black.on info sheets, i would put white instead of black b/c its easier. . why argue. . . i want mixed kids b/c they are beautiful . i wish i was mixed.  

  15. You identify yourself with the race you look like the most, but you tell people you're mixed. Since you black/white and you look black you identify with African-Americans.

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