
To all day care providers. I am in search of some different lesson plans for my?

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one year olds. We are doing all the colors of the rainbow this and next week. Any new ideas? Thanks. I am also in search of lessons in anything else you may have. Thanks alot. :)




  1. one year old kids??? u sure they're 1yr. olds?? cuz  some 1 yr. old kids can't even walk or speak or even hold a pencil...

  2. Rainbows are not beyond preschoolers. There are some really great activities that involve a rainbow of colors. Here are some things I did with my students:


    Tissue paper "painting". You will need: A variety of colored tissue paper, spongee brushes, plain paper and water. Cut tissue paper into interesting shapes. Use spong brush to apply tissue to the plain paper. It will stick until it dries, then it will fall off. You will be left with a stained glass type of effect on the paper. Some tissue papers are harder to draw the color out of, so adding a small amount of white vinegar may be necessary.

    Science/ Math-

    "Create" rainbows using a flashlight and different mediums such as a plastic bottle of water, a prism, a piece of Plexiglas (with rounded edges). Throw in some mediums that do not "create" a rainbow and provoke a dialog about the differences between the mediums.

    Create a color lab. Set up an area where your students can mix different vials of colored water. They will learn about primary colors and secondary colors. This activity can be both a science and math experience.


    Have a taste testing area. Use healthy fruits and vegetables representing different colors. Allow the children to vote for their favorites.


    Let the children choose from a variety of colored scarves and become a "dancing" rainbow.


    Choose books from the library that focus on colors.Eric Carle is a "colorful" author.


    Create a restaurant. Maybe call it "The Pot-o-Gold". Let the children create colorful dishes to serve to their peers.

    I hope these suggestions work for you. I will look through my lesson plans and see if i can find some other activities for you. Color is a very imorant and fun subject for preschoolers.

  3. Hang up some prism wind chimes by a window. Let the sunlight hit them and you'll get rainbows naturally all over your room. Can't really build a lesson plan with wind chimes but, it fits the theme.

    Some how incorporate these into your lesson plans: Colorful foods. Colorful clothing. Colorful toys. Colorful liquids inside clear plastic bottles. Face painting. Colorful pictures and posters.

  4. It's Fall -  use the colors of the trees for a lesson.  

    Rainbows - nice idea but  a little beyond a preschooler.  Do it anyway but don't emphasize any scientific stuff yet.  The colors alone are pretty.

    Have a color day - everyone wear the color blue on tuesday.

    Or...make a game of color -  anyone wearing blue raise your hand.  Anyone wearing red, stand on one foot.

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