
To all high school teachers?

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I'm just curious... do you ever go home upset at the end of the day because of what students say about you?

I almost feel bad for teachers because of how cruel students can sometimes be, but then I remember how most of my teachers believe they know everything in the world, and in most cases, me as the student, has the least valued opinion.




  1. yes

  2. Having a thick skin definitely helps in that area. As previously mentioned all teachers where once students and should be able to emphasize with the students and their mindsets at that age. It can be easy to say your there to teach and not to be loved, however the students that dislike you are more likely to not do their work in your class. So yes you feel responsible for earning their respect and hence encouraging them to work because that is in their best interest. So as apposed to taking offense I choose to take it as an indication more effort is needed on my behalf, both to asses my methods and make sure I'm doing all i can to better the educative behaviors of the students in my class

  3. Comes with the job.  I'm not there to be loved, just teach.

  4. A teacher who takes everything said to them personally doesn't last very long as a good teacher.  Teachers may listen to students (and often do when they appear not to), but no decent teacher should be in a position where the student opinion of them matters that much.  Students do not know how to teach by and large.  Some of the things teachers do that students don't like are for the students' benefit.  It's a lot like being a parent.  Good parents don't need the approval of their children.

  5. Nah, I remember what it was like to be a HS student.  How the world seemed to be against me, and how cruel I could be back, and I forgive them. Then I leave the building hopefully without the grading...

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