
To all in Ireland. How do you prefer you Irish coffee?

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Also, what do you prefer eating when drinking it?




  1. I like decent Irish Whiskey, not that Scottish stuff.

    Also, strong coffee to balance the whiskey.

    Finally....use whipped REAL fresh cream on top. Do not use that cream from a can, it'll just ruin the taste.

    And I don't eat anything with it, just enjoy the blend of coffee and whiskey tasted slowly through the cold cream.

  2. Irish Coffee should be made with Jameson or Bushmills Whiskey. Just the standard no point wasting 10 year malt.

    So thats 1 shot of whiskey, topped up with coffee leaving space for the whipped cream on top which should be added using the back of a spoon to prevent the coffee and cream mixing and looking grey. Put sugar to taste in before the cream. I take 1 spoon.

    I dont eat it with anything, I have an Irish Coffee after dessert (which is usually apple tart and cream or trifle and cream... because otherwise we wouldn't have whipped cream).

  3. I usually order Irish Coffee using Black Bush whiskey. I then ask them to hold the Coffee.

    Normally I have a sweet dessert with me whiskey.

  4. Jameson whiskey,with half a tea spoon of coffee,one sugar,and lots of freshly whipped cream on top.The only thing I like to eat while drinking an Irish coffee,is all the cream on top.

  5. I'm from New York, but I love Irish Coffee, it's like mother's milk. Anyway, Bushnell Whisky, Kalua Coffee Liquor, Colombian coffee, whipped cream topped with shaved chocolate.

  6. loads of jack daniels hons yummy!!

  7. As long as the cream doesn't sink!

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