
To all married guys w/ kids?

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do you prefer your wives working or staying at home looking after your kids? provided you guys earn enough to support the family?




  1. working

  2. it has its pros and cons.  I'd say its best to either work or do your thing with vounteer stuff or whatever.  I think its better for the kids to get away from their parents as well as mom to get away and do something she either has to or wants to.  the extra money is ok too.  I don't agree with home schooling either for this reason.

  3. without question staying home

  4. Don't know if it helps but my husband wants me home with the kids.  It makes him feel good that he can support his family.  And when things get tight on money he gets bummed because he feels like he isn't providing right.  (I hate that part though because we moved and money is tight a lot lately and I dont want him to feel like that)

  5. well i guess in my family it is different i work and my husband stays at home with the kids

  6. Wife stays home and I love it that way.  My son gets to be raised by a parent and not a stranger.

    We made a decision together to have her stay home and live a lifestyle to support that decision.  Sacrifice is something we in America do not understand or do well with.

  7. working, xtra $$$ is always good

  8. stay home w/ kids of course my wf hates to be home

  9. As long as there is enough money for health insurance and all the other bills she should stay home to raise the kids. But I guess if I didn't have the money to support the kids, we shouldn't have had them.

  10. Women, for the most part, are too selfish anymore to be decent mothers and especially wives. I would want her working and helping with the bills or down the road.

  11. Honestly, it makes my day much easier when she is at home.  The kids draw from mom always being available.  I think it helps them to become more secure and self confident in their own identity.  I think it is the best thing for he kids.  Mom, is another story, Every person needs to feel like they are reaching their full potential personally, financially, spiritually etc.. of course their are many ways to be fulfilled, Women have more to contribute then just motherly/home making skills.  In today's day an age women have great clarity and vision when it comes to money, business, art, music, the list goes on.  I think every woman should be able to choose for themselves what career path they should take and husbands should be willing to support their spouses however possible.  It takes two.  

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