
To all meat-eaters:do you know that meat eating is the main cause for desertification of the planet?

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1. Bullshit or cows' is excellent as fertiliser-no need for chemicals.

2. Bulls are ideal for cultivation of land:no need for machines and diesel.It also create employments.

3. Cow dung is excellent to retain moisture in land...chemicals destroy land for ever and turn land into deserts.

4. More demand of meat means destruction of forests inorder to made pasturelands:rainforests are shrinking badly,causing less rain to fall and tempereature of planet to rise,oxygen less!

5. 80% of ALL cereals are planted to feed cattle and poultry,meaning famine for many!

Just imagine what can grow on such vast amount of land as fruits and veg!!!!!As well as milk production from cows!

Every village should be self-sufficient for food locally as much as possible.Desertic or cold climate is different...




  1. For those of us who don't live in villages your idea of the world is a little too rooted in fantasy.

    There are an awful lot of untruths stated as truths. My favorite is your second point - are you one of those who is going to spend all day walking behind a bull that is pulling a plow to cultivate those fields. I think if you spoke to a real farmer about that he would be rolling on the floor with laughter.

    As soon as I saw this was addressed just to "all meat-eaters" I knew it was a vegetarian harangue in the guise of saving the earth. If you had actual proof for your controversial statements it would be helpful to cite reliable references. Otherwise your statements will be just more of "that excellent fertilizer" you recommend.

  2. Yes i know ,

    because of over grazing

    ,the overpumping of carbon aquifers ,

    and the flat feet of cows compact the soil bringing the salt to the surface ,

    one hectare can support one cow ,or     feed an entire vilage   if used to grow vegetables .

    it would be much better to farm deer ,which do not  destroy their environment and who can live with the trees


    the most redicullous  enterprise ever was to demolish the african grasslands which where packed with a diverse collection of  meat in a selfsustainable conditions and autosufficient ,for catltle that destroyed the lands and needed supliment feeding and were only a fraction in numbers oposed to the original      inhabitants

    how stupid can Man  get .???

    for info  on selfsuficiency check out Permaculture

  3. i think its not the cattle ranching, grazing, or agricutlure which lead to desertification. Its only the  way we use land for that purpose, mean overexploitation.

    Self-sufficiency is no more possible after division of labour. ofcourse we are out of cave age now.

  4. This is your brains on vegetables.

  5. Ah, to live in a fantasy world.  Reality is never as clean or simple as we would like it to be.  I hope you can keep your ideals as long as you live.  Just don't expect me to believe them as well.

  6. I think you might be retarded.  Have you thought about competing in the Special Olympics?

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