
To all of the nascar fans.......??!?

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tell me why you dont like jr and stewart, or why do like them and while we are at it tell me about your favorite driver.




  1. I don't like stewart because he's the biggest crybaby and nothing is EVER his fault.  I just want to punch him in his fat head.

    I don't like Jr. cause he's nowhere near as good as he'd like to think he is.   Plus I like to make all the Jr. fans mad when I boo him at a race!!! : )

  2. I like Jr and I also like Smoke. Long time ago, Tony used to lose his temper at the media, so they gave him a bad rap. He is fairly aggressive, but he is a good racer and doesn't make too many stupid moves. Jr? I suppose if I met him I'd like him, but his fan club drives me crazy. They'll boo Kyle #18 until next Daytona, and maybe even after that. Race a race and forget it.

    I like 2 gentlemen that I think are class acts in this sport (not counting Jeff Burton)- Carl Edwards and Mark Martin. Carl's younger and he pushes too much sometimes, but I think I've only seen Mark actually spin somebody once.

    Them's my boys!

  3. Tony's one of my favorite drivers, I adore the guy.

    I don't dislike Jr. I never have, it's the bad seeds in Jr. Nation that deter me most.

    Rowdy's my fav.

  4. I am a fan of both Jr. and Stewart.  Jr, he seems like a great guy, wouldn't mind hanging out with him.  Stewart- his attitude and his charitable work.  Anyone that will do anything for a sick child is ok in my book.

  5. I could write a book trying to answer this, but I'm not gonna cause I'm lazy and look for only short easy answers.  

  6. I neither like them or dislike...just not my favorites...but don't hate them or anything. I think they are both good drivers with alot of talent and skill. My favorite driver currently is Bobby Labonte in the #43 car. I usually pull for anyone who drives the #43 since Richard Petty retired in 1992. I would root for JJ yeley if he drove #43. Or anyone for that matter. Always like Richard and Linda Petty, have met them and they are great people. I pull for the #43 (whoever it is) because of them.

  7. I don't like or dislike Junior; he's just kind of there. I just dislike some of his more rabid fans.

    Stewart--I'm warming up to him a little because of his charity work, but I still think he's a little bit of a bully. At least he's entertaining, though.

    My favorites are Mark Martin and Elliott Sadler. I respect Mark because he's so hardworking, classy, and humble. He's earned everything he has. I don't think there are many younger drivers who are like that anymore, except for Carl Edwards. Sadler I like for his personality--he's so funny and likeable.  

  8. I like Jr because he seems very likeable. I like Tony Stewart because I think if I were a driver I would get pissed off, just like he does. I also have a thing for bad boys. But my favorite driver is #29 Kevin Harvick.

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