
To all of you Palin/Mccain lovers: ?

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How do you feel about your little Palin having a daughter who is 17 and pregnant- and not married! My goodness, that's not very replubican, is it? That's not a quality I want in a VP. Share your opinions.




  1. The daughter is not running for office. You do realize that there are a lot of teenagers who get pregnant. It does not mean the mother is bad. It is an issue that is for them to deal with.

  2. All I get from this is that Palin couldn't convince her own daughter NOT to have s*x before marriage. I wonder how good of a job she is going to do telling that to rest of American families. So much for practice before you preach.

    Not a rumor. See link below

  3. You are correct.  Now she is supposed to marry the father of her child.  She is only 17!  Most marriages that occur when the couple is very young do not work out.  Soon she will be a divorced mother of one, and she will be living off of the social welfare programs that Obama will continue to support and institute as President.  She will certainly be happy for that!

  4. My opinion is that it is typical of a young Democrat to post such nonsense.  We're voting on a Presidential ticket, not rumors in the media.  

  5. I think it is sad, and irresponsible, and unfortunately all too common these days. It is a shame that they are getting married, because that is not the start of a successful marriage. But does it change who I am voting for.........? Absolutely not.......McCain/Palin all the way!

  6. You guys keep reaching... it's not going to work this time.

  7. I feel great!

    Liberals are just mad because they hate it when babies are not killed.

    They know Bristol Palin will let her baby live and be grateful for the child.

    Liberals HATE that!

    It would only be hypocritical if Bristol Palin took the Liberal coarse of action, namely to slaughter the child.

    Choosing to marry the father & raise the baby with gratitude is not being a hypocrite.

    It is being a Christian.

    Liberals HATE that even more!

  8. well thats ok with me since im basically republican with out the whole god thing. I do like how you dem's are crying how horrible a person she must and yet you tell us not to look at obama's past. That and we could always wait ten years to see how many kids obamas girls pop out before they hit 18

  9. It's ironic, isn't it?

    The girl should have an abortion instead of ruining her life.

    So glad I'm not a rebublican - no accidental babies for me! I use birth control, and if that failed, I'd get an abortion!

    The only thing that worries me is that abortions will no longer be available, and Palin will use her S****y daughter as an example of why we do not need birth control or s*x education, when in fact her daughter is a perfect example of why our country so DESPERATELY needs these things. Why don't our children understand where babies come from? This is rediculous.

  10. ha ha ha...I have no problem with someone starting a family at happens.  

    I do however think people who shameless smeared that her daughter was the mother of Palin's youngest should be ashamed of themselves.

  11. Cheap shots won't work here. It's the girl's fault that her mother is more experienced than Obama who's on top of your ticket.

  12. The scum who runs the republican party (BIG OIL) wanted somebody without a soul they could manipulate.  McCain has certainly become a good little bootlicker for the Big Oil Money.  But his choice of Palin really shows that only people without human souls are allowed in that party.    

    I'm sure republicans feel they can break all their own rules and spend their time pointing the finger at somebody else.  

    McCain/Palin - it's a scary duo.  A real pair of deuces.

  13. I don't really give a flip what the daughter does. But I'm sure she is not "punishing herself".

    McCain/Palin 2008

  14. That would destroy the ticket

  15. Might as well forget smearing Palin, it won't work, shes squeaky clean unlike your candidate.

  16. Well, I see that honesty, humility and integrity aren't qualities that affect your choice of VP, so why be so "concerned" over a candidate's daughter's mistakes?

    If I were her, I'd certainly turn down an offer to ride in the back seat of Sen. Kennedy's car - wouldn't you?

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