
To all of you people with psychic abilities...?

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Do you get "feelings" or what ever it is called when you hear these things...

a. Unsolved murders on the news...

b. Questions on where we come from...

c. Missing items not yours, someone elses...

d. Missing people as in Amelia Earhart, Jimmy Hoffa, etc,...

e. Lost civilizations, missing library at Egypt...

I mean do you hear about these things and just know the answer in your heart or mind?




  1. i get feelings all the time about our ancient past.  expecially Egypt and prehistorical civilization.  Havent really figured out anything solid yet.. but one thing i am certian of:  we are FAR from understanding our true origins and how we came to be on this planet and in the intelligent state we are in now.  Ive read somewhere that the library of Alexandria was burnned by the Roman Christian church to destroy the record of any previous civilization which it might have wanted to supress from its constituentes and in order to hide evidence of its own true origins.  that hit me as sort of familiar, but cant say either way.  I dont really have feelings when it comes to recent events like murders or missing people, but when something globally significant is about to happen or is in the process of happening i nearly always have gut feelings about it and go to the closest source of info to check it out.  My heart tells me to keep searching and listening, and my mind tells me to keep questioning and reevaluating.  i feel thats a good balance if youre going to listen in on these astrial currents.

  2. Not all the time, but much of the time. Early on I was able to visualize the last flight of Amelia Earhart and find out where she crashed. Many times after hearing about a murder on the news I see the exact crime scene in my head. Unfortunately, because we live in the kind of science-obsessed society that we do, I can't divulge these things because I would be looked upon as crazy or as a potential murder suspect. My only recourse is to talk about it on Yahoo Answers.

  3. this is the one thing that stsops me from being so d**n perfct, i do not have a sixth sense, just you know the truth..runs off crying

  4. Personally I only get feelings or chills when I hear about somethings. They are never one thing all the time and can't be accessed consciously. Mostly for me it is hearing someone thoughts that is close by or them hearing mine, but this usually happens with someone I'm close to such as a good friend but usually with just family.

  5. i don't consider it an ability but i'm  real good at C finding things people are missing... it sometime comes in like flashes of pictures  or other time it like a game of hot and cold and i just know when i'm getting close to something...  but it's accurate enough that people will call me on the phone and ask ...hey zen where is my... even if i haven't been to their house in weeks...

  6. I'd love to hear where psychics think Hoffa is.  No doubt the answer would be so vague as to be unactionable.  "He's buried.  I see trees and water."

    The persistent psychic phenomenon is a willfully disconnect from reality.  It demonstrates how the mind can convince itself of anything.

  7. sorry, mine gift does not work that way.

  8. Sometimes when I am at work (there is a TV in the lobby), I'll catch a story on the news about a missing person and I know in my gut if something bad has happened to the person.

    I don't know if it is my gift or not.

    But I am usually correct.

  9. Yes, sometimes I do.  It was awful when I would watch the news after 9/11 and these people were holding up pictures of their loved ones that were missing...I knew which ones were gone.  In fact, that whole day was a "psychic overload".  I do get flashes when there is a missing child (whether they are dead or alive).  I have tried to help the police before, but in my area they don't want help from a psychic.  *sigh*  I tried!

  10. I haven't had any gut feelings about any of the things you listed, but I've been able to just sometimes know the answer about certain things or know what the answer to something is all along and then when I look it up on the net or a book, it's correct.

    And some psychic did tell me that I'm very in tune with my intuition/gut feelings.

  11. well i do not consider myself a psychic,but i like your question,and like to see the answers...interesting!

  12. Jimmy Hoffa as far as I can recall actually died from pancreatic cancer at the time he disappeared. It was supposedly his dying wish to remain a mystery and become a legend by conspiracy like: JFK.

  13. I do not process any gifts of this nature.But i am sure that all letters that you have picked would be appropriate.And fit into the psychic abilities.

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