
To all palm readers?

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hi, i had my palm read in wales by some little old lady she was very good except she told me that i would mother another child and told me to stop waiting for it to happen that it will just happen but my partner has had a vasectomy about 8 years ago so how could she be right.

she did tell me to make two wishes and not to tell her and after the reading she told me what my wishes were and she was right.




  1. Palm readers and other psychic con artists use techniques of hot and cold reading, use psychology - they gamble that people remember the things that can be interpreted as correct and forget all the guesses that are wrong, and the fact that people assume they are more unique than they actually are - they use Barnum statements, statements that sound as if they are specific and detailed, and tailored to the individual, but which in fact are vague and could be applied to many situations.

    I can do quite good palm / Tarrot / psychic readings myself! Following the example of James Randi, I once gave exactly the same reading to a number of friends, all said it was good, some claimed it was uncannily accurate!

  2. Looks like you and your partner may split up

  3. most palm reading is trickery, deduction and the ability to understand subliminal messages. the palm reader can tell things about you, your wishes, fears, ambitions in the present, but they canot predict the future.

    that goes for most fortune telling

  4. Palm readers are fake, and you're just gullible.
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