
To all parents...?

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k im 14 and i cant wait to have kids. i would love to have a kid of my own. oh yah im not a girl. i think it would be crazy to have a kid that looks up to u. im just wondering does being a paerent feel good or is it wow i really regret having kids. i hear parents say stuff like that all the time. but will i injoy it. or will it just last till they are in highschool. and dont worry im not going to make a kid till im 18 or 20 no ill wait till im 23-24. so is it cool having a kid.




  1. I enjoy being a mother! I'm 25 years old and I have one baby. She was born almost 2 months early and weighed 4lbs 12oz. She's so much fun to have around, but hard work!!!!!!! Please don't have one at your age and def. wait till you are older, like you said. Some people think that it's a piece of cake when they see people with their children; but then there's teething, colds, virus's, immunizations, dr. appointment, sleepless nights, fussy days, etc. But, I wouldn't trade it for the world!!!!!!!

  2. im not actually a parent but i care for my younger sister. and even i can say wow its great. i love taking care of her (she's uber annoying and a pain in the butt, but i still love it)

  3. It has it's ups and downs. They are definitely, if you're a good parent, your main priority. The day that your child comes into the world, you pretty much give your life up for them. Be sure that you are ready for a really big responsibility before you decide to be a parent... no an amazing responsibility. My oldest is 22 and he is still a pain in the butt.  I can say that now because he's grown! Just know what you're getting into. Yes, I love my kids more than anything in this world as most parents do. That love causes so much worry for their safety in this day and time, no matter how old they are.

    Best Wishes

  4. lez

  5. I definitely love being a mom and don't regret it but I honestly wish I waited a little longer.. Wait til you're mature and can support yourself and are able to support your family. Life will be MUCH easier that way.

  6. Kids are great but a huge amound of responsiblity please finish school and get a good job before you consider having kids wheater you are 18 or 50 make sure you can take care of them they cost alot of money...  and you need to have a good mature head on your shoulders.

  7. It is cool and awesome until they turn teenagers and think they know what is best for them.

  8. It is okay to love children at a young age but having children is entirely a different matter.  The simple answer is that you are too young to have children, even at 18.  Here are the reasons:

    1. Marriage and parenthood are for mature adults only and not teenagers or young adults.

    2. First complete your post-secondary education (college or vocational school), get job, put money away for retirement, and pay off your school debts.

    3. Learn the mechanics of your job.  This could take several years.  Learn to work with different and sometimes difficult people (not always easy).  If your first job is not what you really wanted then look for another profession and it can take some time.  It is much easier to find your true calling in life as a single and parentless person.  Listen to your job mentors.

    4. Stay out of debt as much as possible.  Pay your bills on time.

    5. Travel!  See the world first.  Travel opens your eyes to a lot of things that were not available in your home town.  It really helps you grow as a human being.  It also reduces prejudice.  Do travel before you get married and have children.

    6. Learn to socialize with different age groups, nationalities, and ethnic groups when the opportunity arises.

    7. You must a happy and mature adult by the time you turn 28 years old.  Know your limitations and learn to live within your limitations.

    8. Do not get married until you turn 28.  By 28, you should at least know if you want to get married or not.  Marriage is a choice and not a necessity.  It just takes time to grow as a human being.  Marriage is again for mature adults.

    9.  You and your spouse must be a happy and mature couple before you have children.

    10.  Do not have your first child until you turn 30.  Play it safe, you need time for you and your spouse to just plain live as a married couple.

    11. Assuming you have a job and a health plan, your child would cost you $25,000 plus or minus a couple of thousand of dollars in 2008 dollars.  This is for the medical costs from conception to birth.  Your health plan would cover approximately 80% and the rest comes out of your pocket.  Children are expensive.  Children are also seen as luxuries in the eyes of society (government, religion, big business, etc.).  Even after tax deductions for your children, you still pay a difference out of your pocket.

    12. When your child is born, you are dedicated to that child for the first 21 years of that child’s life.  Sorry, that is part of being a parent and it goes for every child that you have.

    The bottom line is your have to grow up and be happy in your twenties.  It takes time.  Even rich people have to go through this process.  You also find out that you may not want to get married or have children.  Again, this is a choice and not a necessity but it takes time to make that decision – in your late twenties.

    The rich and young celebrities having children before 30 and out of wedlock are idiots.  A child deserves to have a mother and father that are happily married to each other.  The movie “Juno” sent the wrong message to teenagers.  Parenthood involves a lot of responsibilities and lots of trade-offs.

  9. I am now 25 years old, I had my 1st son when I was 14 years old. I thought it would be nice having someone looking up to you and stuff like that. However, it wasn't as fun as I thought it would. i stayed up late when the baby couldn't sleep and stuff like that.

    It is very hard, I don't regret my kids not for one second, However If I new that if I could have waited and had the same kids I would. But that is of course impossible to do.

    Any how having a kid is very hard there are tons of great moments as well as hard ones. So before you decide to have one, KEEP IN MIND AM I MATURE ENOUGH?

  10. There are good and not so good aspects to being a parent.

    You know, a lot of the time when someone is young and thinking about having a child they think that it's all going to be good times, having someone who loves you unconditionally and it all to be like it is in the movies.

    The fact is it's really REALLY hard work raising kids.  Kids aren't always grateful or appreciative for what you do, so it's a fairly thankless job, and of course there's all the fun of temper tantrums, answering back, and the joy (not!) of the teenage years!!!  

    However, if you are in a loving relationship, are mature and financially stable it can be a fantastic experience!  As long as you have a supportive partner, even the tough times can be gotten through without too much hair-pulling-out stress!

    I would definitely recommend waiting until you are older, in a well established and mature relationship until you bring a child into the world.  When you are in a good place then you will be a better parent.

    Best of luck!

  11. Its a blessing having a child, but if you can wait until you go to college, go to a trade school, have a great paying job, a wife, a nice home of your own, and NOT your parents. then i say go for it.

    The gas prices are high now, the milk is going up, the eggs, everything. you will need a good income to take care of kids this day in time.

    Just think about going to school making good grades, playing sports, and enjoying the teenage years, i wish i could go back to those days. LOL

  12. Yes it's very cool....but very very hard work.  You are too young.  Wait.  Trust me, you'll thank me later if you do.  

    I'm glad you are wanting to wait.  It's a lot of hard work but also very rewarding.  You have your bad days though when you wonder why in the world you created a little version of yourself when you see your stubborn traits come out in them.  But at the end of the day you look at them and realize life would not be as joyous without them.
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