
To all people from Houston, are you evacuating?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know if i should leave or not, and when is it gonna hit us?




  1. I have been in Austin since Friday for a soccer tournament and will be going BACK to Houston Monday night. I'm not too worried about it.

  2. Not even a sprinkle in Stinkadena !!

    We are staying-- It's not even close enough to warrant a hurricane party

  3. No. It looks like rain only, not even wind.

  4. I'm not from Houston, but unfortunately I live here, and no I'm not evacuating, because there's no need to.  

  5. We're just going to see some rain. I Probably wouldn't evacuate even if it hit us head on.  

  6. we will get a few drops of rain from it but not until sometime on Tuesday. The weather guys say it will be a lot, but I've quit listening to them. If the chance of rain is 80%, they will be little or none, if it's 20% watch out, it will pour.

  7. NO I am 60 miles in land I don't need to Thank God.

    Thumbs down? whoever did that can bite me!

  8. Just keep watching the news, I don't think it will hit Houston but I'm sure we will get a lot of rain from it.  I'd stay put unless the city tells you otherwise.  I live by Kemah and I'm still at home!

  9. Nothing will be open, it's Labor Day.

  10. For the eighth time, no I'm not leaving.

    People need to stop and take a deep breath. There is absolutely no need to panic.

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