
To all people saving a little change... Opinion needed

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Okay so I have recently for about 6 months been saving my extra soin in one of those big 3 galon jugs... Well my aunt (a banker) thought it would be a good idea to seperate the copper and silver so I did. Like DUH the pennies filled up quicker so I want to trade them in for money to put into the silver jug ( which I am saving for a rainy day). There is a little over $60 in Pennies. My question is would you trade it in for QUARTERS or GOLD DOLLARS?

Those are the only options right now... I have been debating it ... I dont want to put dollars in the jug because on that magical day that i will get that money out I dont want the dollars to get stuck.

Thanks for any opinions. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!




  1. just take it to a coinstar?

  2. That seems like a personal option to me. I personally would go for the dollars so that it would be easier to count when it is over.

    On the other hand, if you do quarters you can almost take your coins anywhere and trade them for quarters, while the jug would get filled up quicker. I think one of those jugs holds about $5,000 worth of quarters. Imagine if that was in dollars.

    Food for thought.

  3. I'd go for quarters! gold dollars wouldn't be as fun since they are alreay dollars...if you know what i ment there

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