
To all psychics out there??

by Guest55621  |  earlier

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hey well i do believe in this cuz i have some of the abilities but i was wondering....

what do i look like

what have i been feeling lately

what is my present life situation

what is my past life situation

what is my future life situation

and if there are any really good psychics out there can u tell me who my birth parents are cuz i was wondering that

thanx a lot





  1. Hmm , I get the feeling that your pretty young still maybe between 12 and 15 , I keep thinking thirteen..You are tall for your age and slightly big boned but not overweight. You have a lightish brown hair and somewhat paled skin. with brown eyes.

    Lately you have been having a realization of your personality and personal beliefs. You crave knowledge in magic and folklore. You subtle abilities in energy manifestation and know how to read people well. You feel the wind of change in your life and maybe torn between two subjects that are close to you. You express self doubt but never out loud. You are shy at first but can get crazy after known someone for awhile.

    Your past has been subjectively pleasant with emotional scars along the way. You carry them deep within you but are unknown to all around you. They do not weaken you for you are strong. But they have their toll.

    Your future is scattered. You change many directions with age...and with maturity..You are very compassionate and will be successful in any career of choice I see your compassion pushing you into a leader role ..maybe a teacher, or health care worker, or veterinarian for your need to help others is great...I see kids in the future but maybe later in your late 20's you won't be in a rush to be a mother...I see you traveling the world because you enjoy other cultures and the freedom. Your early twenties I see a serious relationship that may almost be a act of marriage but gets blown of course your husband comes in maybe 2-3 years later after general dating for a while..You will now he's the one almost right away.

  2. what you're asking is difficult. after the days of edgar cacye, there isn't any other known powerful psychics around.

  3. past The World

    Divinatory Meaning: This card depicts multiple elements of the word and beyond, signifying 'wholeness'. It is both man and angel, bird and beast. It's a good card to draw in that it represents completeness, contentment, harmony, success, prosperity and personal realization. This card can also mean the shedding of old and making way for the new. It encourages us to be patient, and if there is a negative side to this card it would be stagnation, impatience, and a soft will. However, the major thrust of this card is that the events of our life, in this world, are coming together to fulfill our dreams!


    Temperance Divinatory Meaning: The positive aspects of this card represents moderation, self-control, harmony with self and others, and compromise. It can relate to the positive physical condition of the body depicting health and the path to healing and recovery. This card represents a person that can take something out of balance, like a relationship, and bring it into accord or the ability to take two opposites and meld them in harmonious fashion. This is depicted in the card where one fluid (historically wine) is poured into another goblet (water) and the two merge. Positive results from chaotic factors are to be had if this card is present. The negative aspect of this card is imbalance, impatience, domestic problems, lack of foresight and quarrels. This card warns of jumping to hasty decisions due to lack of patience and suggests that a time-out be taken for a full account of what should be done.


    Death Divinatory Meaning: Though this card is rarely about physical death, it is about change, renewal, transformation and abandonment of that which no longer serves us such as a relationship. Like time, we cannot escape this and it is a warning that we should be paying attention to what is happening in our lives. We should take a review of our life and take note of something that may need to be shed other than our worldly body. It can also have a spiritual connotation suggesting that we have to shed old beliefs before we can take on more enlightened one. We may be heading for a spiritual impasse and may have to look at what we consume, how we feel and think. If we can, then we're ready to take on more exotic passages into the underworld. Not all change is welcome so the negative aspect of this card can mean that we are fighting change and have become stagnant. It may mean the loss of an opportunity because we won't walk through that open door. It may mean the loss of a lover, friend, or family member.

    you have a depth skin complexion,and do not worry be yourself,don't try to look like someone,just be you.!

  4. you have brown hair and green eyes? or blue? (wrong I think I am)

    you are feeling confused

    you're alone

    you were committed

    the future's on your hand

  5. I get the feeling you need to pay me 20$ for a reading or my skills as a psychic just wont work.

    yeah, the clarity of my visions increase with the amount of cash. :P

  6. You are a being that resembles humans.  You have experienced a wide variety of emotions lately.  Your present life situation involves breathing, eating and sleeping.

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