
To all religions. If it were proved God didn't exist .......?

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If it were proved, for whatever reason, in the near future, 100% without doubt that God didn't exist .... would you all hold your hands up and agree or instantly refute it and totally dismiss the proven facts?

Before you ask, I am an atheist, but wanted to know due to your beliefs whether you would instantly dismiss any evidence.




  1. If it were proved, for whatever reason, in the near future, 100% without doubt that gravity did not exist... would you float into space?

  2. To prove non-existence of anything is almost impossible. Try to prove that Thor or Ra dose not exist. I can always come up with a modification to show they might. The religious are every adept at changing the grounds.

  3. I suppose its down to what you believe 'god' is, I was raised as a catholic but i believe that god is the good in people, expressed as love kindness and gratitude, so i don't think any one could ever prove that doesn't exist as we are all in control of our own actions.     :)

    we all believe in something!

  4. God is real, you know it too. Here's what God says about it.

    Rom 1:17   This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, "It is through faith that a righteous person has life."[fn5]  

    Rom 1:18   But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves.[fn6]  

    Rom 1:19   For the truth about God is known to them instinctively.[fn7] God has put this knowledge in their hearts.  

    Rom 1:20   From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.  

    Rom 1:21   Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. The result was that their minds became dark and confused.  

    Rom 1:22   Claiming to be wise, they became utter fools instead.  

  5. How is it at all possible that you prove the non-existence of anything? The lack of scientific experimental data shows nothing. It's more likely it is proved god does exist as this is possible. I would dismiss the 'proven facts' as logically they cannot be the proven facts.

    If the scientific community claims this proof exists I think a lot of atheists would lose their faith (or if you prefer trust) in science.

    To sum up: I don't need to answer you qstion as it's not going to happen, however what evidence was presented would probably be the significant factor.

  6. I would find it hard to believe that any amount of evidence could disprove god to the 100th percent.

    if it so happened though, then yes id admit i was wrong.

  7. You think people who believe they were made in seven days by a man in the sky would listen to ANYTHING that would prove them wrong? They must be on another planet.

    EDIT: No point quoting the bible people, when no one even really knows who wrote it, it could even be the first fictional story ever written!

  8. See, they refuse to accept a standard of proof that they demand that we accept, when they falsely try to call their factless claims "evidence".

    Religion IS hypocrisy...

  9. These silly fools/idiots need some thing to believe in and they would keep on believing in God, even if it is proved 100% that God does not exist.      

  10.   You would first have to establish the guidelines, motives and criteria on which your assumption is being made and why.

    At least you admitted that you were an Atheist which probably wasn't the wisest thing to do since you're asking an inferential question. This type of question is used quite often to place doubt of the existence of God. If one is an Atheist just say so without having to resort to inference or conditions.  To do so is a sign of a weakness in your beliefs or lack there of. And if you're doing this to try and impress, you've failed. Nice troll but no fish.

  11. I would kill a few ppl, test drugs, steal.... hmm let me rude to my parents.?


    In otherwords, something good can come out of something bad.

  12. Let me just say this. I don't care what evidence there was or is out there that God doesn't exist. I truly believe with all my heart that there is a God. He created the very earth you live on. How do suppose you became to be here? And I don't mean from your mother either. How do you think our existence came to be? You should read the Bible and go to church more often or for the first time.

  13. I'm a pantheist (or something kind of in between a pantheist and panentheist) an if it were proved there was no deity I'd be like - "Oh. Good - at least that's cleared up."

  14. Consider:

    Who sets the course of Earth round the sun so that year upon year we have just that, a year same in length, and the seasons always in the same part of the year.

    Who sets the spinning Earth so that we have constant 24hr days.

    Who maintains the order of things, Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets.

    Who supplies sunshine, rain, soil and atmosphere to keep me and you alive.

    God will never be proved "not to exist" because there is so much evidence to support the fact that he is there. The fact that a lot of folks do not believe in God only shows that they are blinded by the evidence!

  15. Marcella writes "If it were 100% proven that God did exist, would you believe it? Maybe there's your answer."

    Atheists have been asked that question here numerous times, and typically quite a few of us - well over half, I believe, and probably far more than that - say "Yes, I would believe it". If it were proven that a god existed, I certainly would believe it.

    Yet I haven't seen a single believer in response to this question say "Yes, I'd accept the fact that god doesn't exist".

    Advantage: atheist.

  16. As you may know or may not know being an atheist and all a true christian with strong faith has no doubt. How can you dismiss facts? You can't. How easy was it for you not to believe in God. Why? because you see all the suffering and poverty that mankind has bought on themselves and others? Why because you prayed to be rich or something and your prayer was not answered?WHY?

    I always hear people say, "I'm atheist. I do not believe in religion."

    But that is a religion. OMG...come on I know the world can't be that ignorant!

    God exists. You just have not experienced his love and trueness. I can understand that you may have been hurt or lied to by some pastor or priest. When you leave God you join Satan. Whether you believe it or not. Then some say that they don't believe in a God because they can see him. Is that how you feel? Can you gravity,air, the magnetic field. No! But how do you know they exist? No doubt because you see the evidence. Well there are many evidences to show that God exists.

  17. I'd still hang on to my beliefs..Doesn't hurt me to do so. Humans have been trying to get around God for way longer than I've been alive.

  18. It is NOT POSSIBLE to disprove God! But if it were PROVEN with 100% absolute evidence then yes I would set down my Bible and concentrate on another area of life.

  19. Not all religions are theistic, and of the ones that are, their God(s) have for the most part been shown to be fabrications. For instance, the Abrahamic texts (and thus deity) refute themselves. So, what you are asking is actual, not hypothetical, and still the nuts believe.

  20. If it were 100% proven that God did exist, would you believe it? Maybe there's your answer.

    All religions do not profess a belief in a personal God, or any god at all.

    Your question betrays great ignorance on the topic of religion.

  21. well the only thing i have to say is that, there is no way he isnt real, just cause ive felt him near me, he instantly turned me in the right direction for my life when i ask him, unexplainable things happen when i talk to God, you dont understand how great he is, i hope that one day u will, with all respect.

    have a great day, sorry i couldnt answer the way u wanted

  22. Such proof would have to be tested, but such proof is simply not possible. Mankind is capable of proving the existence of God with natural reason. It is sort of asking one to deny his own existence. There is no way I can deny my own existence. Present all the evidence you want. There is no reason to dismiss any evidence since it can easily be disproved. One cannot deny reality.  

  23. Science has already "proved" that God doesn't exist, and I still believe in God.

    Science rules out anything supernatural, and seeing as I have seen and experienced the supernatural with my own eyes many times, I won't disbelieve.

    If the supernatural can be disproven I might be swayed....?????  The trouble is, when the supernatural is in operation it overrides "natural laws" which leaves science at a loss.

  24. You are daft to think that might happen.

    I suppose the reality is that you are looking for an excuse not to acknowledge God and worship Him. But it makes absolutely no difference to His existence whether you believe or not. It's a bit like sticking your head in the sand and saying you can't see anything.

  25. The concept is, was, and will always remain unknowable and unprovable. Despite whatever position anyone takes on the issue.

  26. Hasn't it already been proven by virtue of a complete lack of evidence in support of God's existence?

    They are ignoring the evidence now, so if there were any more compelling evidence they would continue to ignore it.

  27. You may think that all theists blindly believe in god without thinking about it. Personally i have looked at both sides of the argument and made my decision based on the evidence provided.

    "made in seven days by a man in the sky"

    You make it all sound very childish so you obviously dont want to face the truth of what the bible says.

    I could just as easily say you believe that a bunch of monkeys decided they weren't happy with their lives so some turned into humans and another bunch grew fins and gills and went and lived in the sea.

    Now who sounds mad?

  28. There is no way you can prove something *doesn't* exist; but an utter lack of evidence of that *something* makes the issue irrelevant. In other words, asking whether God is real is about as good as asking whether an invisible flying pony is real.

  29. We are all God

    Atheist and all faiths

    Everyone is right for themselves;  we can choose who to be or not.

    We are positive and negative.  We have access to both every moment.

    We can enjoy everything or be separate and alone.

    We will return to Bliss :)))

  30. Your question is less about whether it is possible to prove a negative and more about what you think about the integrity of people you don't agree with.

    According to the Gospels, Jesus had the same issue with the doubters he was dealing with. He said, "If I proved that I was the Son of God by dying and coming back to life three days later, you still wouldn't believe." He was right.

  31. I would agree then but it would take some might big fact.

    I doubt anyone can reach that, perhaps you, maybe in the future would be agreeing with us ;-D

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