
To all <span title="conservatives/republicans:">conservatives/republicans...</span> Are you done gloating yet?

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Are you done going on and on and on about how smart it was for McCain to select Palin, how beautiful and accomplished she is, how McCain trumped Obama and effectively removed any mention of his history-making speech from the airwaves, and how he made the Obama/Biden ticket look impotent?

Are you done yet?

I'm not. I'm having a lot of fun, so much fun that today I FedExed my liberal accountant a life jacket.




  1. whatever it takes to get the message out to liberals that socialism doesnt work.  you call it gloating, i call it effective measures against the obamabots.  if thats what your referring to the answer is not just no...ITS GOD NO.

  2. Did you hear about the pig race at some county fair? It was Obama pig against McCain pig, and McCain pig won the race.  

  3. Nope.. I love the fact the messiah is no where to be found in the media and the fact McCain picked a solid conservative for vp.

  4. I&#039;m not done yet either.  I like the life;s great!

  5. As a McCain supporter (and one who was rooting for Palin long before she became a national name - based on her trusting God), I will gladly say that I am not gloating.  This race is serious and in reality, no one candidate will be ahead nor win by a landslide.  I wish I could honestly say that &quot;McCain will win by over 7%, but the reality is that the voting lines will be based on cultural and family value differences (and there are too many Americans who do not recognize or are overjoyed about the destruction of family values and higher standards than the c**p we&#039;ve subjected ourselves to).  This race, just like the past races, will be neck and neck not because of the candidates, but because of the cultural divide among the American public.  In my own family, I&#039;m ashamed to say that too many of my relatives easily dismiss Obama&#039;s vote in favor of infanticide, I cannot easily dismiss the violent murder of babies as much as they can to justify voting for Obama.

  6. No where near being done.

    I am so impressed with this woman. She is gorgeous, smart, accomplished, confident, strong, competitive, and her hubby is a stud.

    Absolutely the right choice.

    B.O. STINKS!


  7. me either. I&#039;m LOVIN&quot; IT and I&#039;m looking forward to McCain&#039;s next move to deflate

    Mr. Obama&#039;s sails. He timed that PERFECTLY

    Also, When Gustav hits . Obama will still be out there campaigning while McCain will be rolling up his sleeves and helping out were ever he can

  8. No, not done yet

  9. Keep on gloating then.  Not only is it pusillanimous, but when Obama wins, the more you&#039;ve gloated and counted your chickens before they hatched, the more it will hurt.  Then it will be OUR time to gloat.

    Even if McCain wins, bigger Democratic margins in both Houses will effectively horsecollar him.   Try to find more Cupie dolls to run in those races.

  10. Save two life jackets for Obama/HairPlugGuy.

  11. lol, i wouldnt gloat to much.. theres alot of stuff coming out about this women thats not to shall we say &#039;honest!

  12. I hope you filled that life-jacket with hope and change.

    ----we are not done gloating just yet----we will do all the way to the white-house.

    McCain/Palin &#039;08

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