
To all the McDonald's workers out there,what would you say you disliked working the most, grill or service?

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Just curious. Thanks!




  1. i didnt like grill, actually wasnt allowed to work it anymore after i was a 16 year old getting workmans comp from falling into the grill, getting second degree burns on my hands, all b/c of a managers negligence.

  2. i leik mop bucket!  that was my favoright job at mcd's.  i wud always jus grab the mop when i started my shift and go mop the floors... just me and my mop, yep.  nobody messed with us.  except for the homelss guy in the bathroom.  i told him he cud only sleep there a cupla hours but he wanted to stay longer then that so i had to take matters into my own hands and tell the manager, dave.  dave was weird becauise his name was dave thomas, leik the wendys guy, but he worked at mcd's.  i was always so confused.  n-e ways i got fired for eating fires on the job in front of customers.  so id say just don't work there.

  3. GRILL! Who likes working with those cry baby customers!!

  4. It totally depends.  My favorite job is running for drive thru but there are times I don't want to do that.  I unjoy working in the grill, for the most part I prefer not to be on counter, but once in a while its ok.

  5. was hot and greasy. I liked working with the customers the best...never had any problem.

  6. It depends what kind of mood I'm in. If I'm in kinda a bad mood, then grill is better because I don't have to deal with customers. If I'm in a happy mood, then service is more fun. Overall, I'd say I like service, better, though. Both have their good and bad points.

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