
To all the WWE fans, since there seems to be a bunch of wrestling questions, why do you like it?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone that's telling me to practice the straight face thing, please learn to read.




  1. I'll ask your mom tomorrow when I'm banging her.

  2. TV shows are fake so is that stupid show Stargate Atlantis so are the card games you like to play: Yu Gi oh pokemon digimon....

  3. Cos its entertainment....same reason you watch movies or whatever, you enjoy them right? And yeah practise the straight-face thing =]

  4. Hi, just needed 2 points...

    Sincerely yours,

    wrestling fan

  5. It's an athletic ambition, with exciting characters (some more so than others), and compelling storylines (some better than others).

    It is choreographed in a way, it is pre-determined, but it is men (and women) doing things no one else can do. I'd like to see Kevin Sorbo or David Duchovny do a Five Star Frog Splah or Shooting Star Press.

    It is just exciting. More than shows like NYPD Blue, and Law & Order, and The Sopranos.

    Why does anyone go to Shakespeare play? You know it's fake, right?

    Why do people go see Les Miserables and Phantom Of The Opera? We know that's not real.

    Who cares if it's real or not? It is more real than Survivor or Big Brother at least, that's for sure. Just ask the dislocated shoulders of Randy Orton and Mister Kennedy.

    And I never like to say this, but this is really a stupid question. Why does anyone like the TV shows they like? They just do. They find them entertaining.

  6. The purpose used to be just hearing THE ROCK speak. "Are you looking at the The Rock's strudel - The People's strudel" . How can one not laugh at that. And the ultra-poor acting is quite entertaining. Did you see the Smackdown before Summerslam, Edge was wacko - it was hilarious.

    It simply is just entertaining - there's something about it. Kinda like a short Asian guy with no vocal or dance talent singing a Michael Jackson song and trying to dance like him. (i.e. Ronny B from America's Got Talent).

    And who hasn't seen Jackass, it's the same type of entertainment.

    And practice for the straight-face thing..

  7. -Unless you read spoilers, you don't know what's gonna happen. It's just interesting

    -They tape it before the show so nothing can go wrong

  8. How do you keep a straight face when you have a 12 inch c*ock rammed up your a*****e? When you answer that I will answer your question.

    I figured Stargate Atlantis was fake but it looked like you lack of intelligence rubbed off on me.

    And before you feel it's your duty to tell people it's fake..we all know. It supposed to be fake. You shouldn't need anyone to tell you that you need to prioritize your time better.

  9. It's entertainment.

    Now go away.

  10. ......................... /´¯/)

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  11. keep a surprise  

  12. who cares. Almost everything on tv is fake. What's the point of watching it?: It's simply entertainment. You watch it the next week to see what's going to happen, just like when people watch their favorite tv show (which is scripted) to see what's going to happen the next week. You have a nerve to ask why we watch wrestling, but I see that your name is Stargate Atlantis (FAKE). Think before you ask a dumb question. Movies,shows, plays are all fake.- straight simple.

  13. ......................... /´¯/)

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    ........../'/.../..../... ./.../¨¯\well we have a new ******** welcome to the list

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  14. soap operas. movies etc they are all fake but people still watch them alot only watch wrestling for the entertainment value not as a sport

  15. ok Dude.

  16. cuz it action interesting a male's and some women's soap opra  

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