
To all the avid readers..?

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Kay so, I'm a little late on joining an AP English class, and I'm a little behind on the required summer reading. Now I have to read one of the following books in 3 days! :'D

Any recommendations on a good read? Or perhaps the easiest? Thanks in advance.

Here's the list of books I can choose from:

My Antonia

The Big Sky

Catch 22

For Whom the Bell Tolls

The Sun Also Rises

Their Eyes Were Watching God

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

A Separate Peace

Moby d**k


Song of Solomon

Tar Baby

Johnny Got His Gun




  1. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - It reads pretty fast and is very entertaining.

  2. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest or A Separate Peace would be your best bets-both quick reads.

  3. I'd go with either ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST or A SEPARATE PEACE. I've read both of them (and in a pretty rapid manner), and I enjoyed them both; they're entertaining and interesting, and because of this, they're fast reads.

    If you're looking for quick and easy, I'd probably stay away from Hemingway, as I have found him to be exceptional in neither way.

  4. Johnny Got His Gun. Its super easy, and interesting.

  5. Moby d**k is good but too long and complicated for 3 days

    So, I would suggest The Big Sky it isn't TOO long and it has a good plot.

  6. I read A Separate Peace on a five-hour airplane flight.  Three days should be ample time.

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