
To all the drivers out there that dont use turn signals...?

by Guest21286  |  earlier

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why dont you use them. Just wondering




  1. Some states including Kentucky do not require them for lane changes. Get's people into bad habits.

  2. Use mine.  Not when no one's behind me or in front of me.

    I figure they assume it's optional.

  3. I agree...I think it is a short circuit between the seat and the turn signal control!!

  4. 1) People are lazy - Consider the proliferation of automatic transmissions despite all of their disadvantages. Some cars have cruise control, automatic headlights and rain-sensing windshield wipers. God forbid that you ever have to touch any vehicle controls and actually do something manually!

    2) People are arrogant - They are entitled to change lanes whenever they darn well please and it is YOUR responsibility to avoid them. After all, the whole world revolves around them.

    3) People are stupid - using a turn signal requires them to either hang up their cell phone, stop applying make-up, or cease whatever other distraction they are engaged in.

  5. There are 3 main reasons that I can think of.

    The light globe is broken....if so the car shouldn't be on the road.

    The driver is lazy.... the driver shouldn't be on the road. In fact they shouldn't have bothered getting out of bed in the morning.

    The driver doesn't care about other drivers, and is living in his/her own little insignificant world....the driver should hand back their driver's license.

  6. you need to use them.

  7. I agree, it annoys me to no end.

    I think it is laziness.

    A cultural epidemic.

  8. That is a very good question.  Too bad it needs to be asked.  It is so important to signal your intentions.  Perhaps the offending drivers just weren't taught the purpose of that stick on the left side of the steering column.

  9. They see turn signals as too much hassel, and they don't take other drivers into consideration.

    It is a very simple concept. If you are going to change lanes or change direction, hit the little lever on the steering wheel column. It lets other drivers know what your intentions are. If you fail to do it, you can and will be ticketed.

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