
To all the guys out there?

by  |  earlier

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do what girls order at a restarant (being on a date) effect what you think about her? meaning, she orders a nice bacon cheese burger with fries, or just have a little bit of salad from the salad bar. i;ve always just wondered.




  1. I just hate a girl that picks at her food because she's always on a diet. If a girl orders a cheese burger, it just makes me think that she is comfortable with me.

  2. Not to me. But it is weird when girls get embarrassed to eat in front of guys. I mean, if you're hungry eat, food is not a turn off. haha.

  3. yes. if a girl orders tacos or fish, i think she's a lezbo, but if she orders a hot dog or a banana i think that's hot.

  4. It doesn't affect what I think about her except in one case:

    If she orders the most expensive thing on the menu--then I would have second thoughts about dating her (unless she asked if it was okay first).

    I might not have enough to pay the bill so I would like for her to have some consideration.

    In the examples you gave, it would not matter.

  5. it tells you a little, but not much. If you order a burger, fries and a beer the first date, we know you are relaxed and someone we can feel comfortable with. If you order a salad, but then give them 20 different commands (no onions but add extra chives with dressing on the side, extra crutons) we know you are high maintanence

  6. i'd prefer she order the pork chops ... now that's a real woman

  7. no

    unless they are really fat ordering a salad

    fake ppl bother the heck out of me

  8. haha noooooo not at all. I always tell a girl who I'm with (be it a friend or a girlfriend, I pay for both) that she can get whatever she wants, and to not worry about the price or anything like that =)

  9. if it dont make her fat or rip nasty farts i dont mind what a woman eats

  10. It doesn't change my opinion of her drastically, but it affects it somewhat. I would prefer a girl that is healthy and works out, but still likes a nice steak when she goes out over one that eats healthy constantly to stay in shape.

    Seriously though, order what you want. If you're ordering something to impress a guy, then you weren't really meant to be together.

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