
To all those Step parents out there?

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How do you or did you handle co-parenting with your spouse. My husband and I can't seem to get on the same page. I had a daughter who is now 7 before we married now we have 4 month old. I find it really hard to support my husbands ways because we are such opposites. I am a lot more lienient where he expects total discipline. I feel like he is constantly on the 7 year old case. It's starting to effect our marriage.




  1. Maybe you can sit down together and talk about the best way to deal with the discipline side of things. Come to a happy medium, almost like a set of rules for yourself on how to deal with things.

    Blended families are never easier! Are there any stepfamily course's available in your area? Check out its a great resource for stepfamilies!

    Goodluck, sorry i wasnt more help!

  2. My husband is step dad to my 4 children - we also have a 2.5 year old together and I am 24 weeks pregnant.

    All I can say is that it is hard. It makes it hard too when the age gap is large because I don't think they can see the differences. There is 6 years between my youngest from first marriage and my hub's and our child and my husband is definitely harder on older kids, but in some ways that is normal considering the age.

    We have a family system that we all stick to which clearly states discipline action.

    Maybe a family counsellor would help.

  3. get him the book cinderalla and tell him to stop the cycle, step father step mother same difference tell him to write the good story of a man who stood up and became a 7 year old hero and father not a drill sargent which they will get when they get in the military not when they little. tell him to remember he was 7 once upon a time.

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