
To all tourists who have visted india......?

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what was your first experiance????how was your last experiance while coming back.will you come back agian.just wante to know what foreigners think about my country.what did you hate and what did you like???thanks.




  1. Hi, we have travelled to India for the last 15yrs, staying in Goa, and travelling all over india we will be back again this year, we don't like the beggars you get them at most places, love the food from the north to the south, we have seen some wonder full places from the Taj Mahal to Tiger hunting in Khana, Deli,   Gandhi,s  tomb, and many other places great memories,      

  2. ist thing poverty poverty......... poverty but govt has good policies it will be better in few years  ,people are good having lot of hospitality;I am  belgian

  3. India is such a diverse country, that i don't think that even Indians themselves realise what a beautiful country India is.My first visit to India  was Goa. well culture shock wasn't in it.. beggars from everywhere, realised later that this was not how it is, just another employment for the out of state Indians. well we all have to make a living some how?.. lol. took me 3 visits to goa to realise this, but i love india, been about 15 times. not just to goa, been to bangalore, mysore.. even the jungle, never seen no tigers. but i looked like a red in-jun  with all the dust i got covered  in. i looked like a clown riding around in that open jeep. loved otty hill station, was cool, and i mean cool, warm of a day but you needed an open fire of night, reminded me of home in england . what i hated about India was the big divide, between the rich and the poor, too many poor. whats to happen? but everyone seems happy with their lot in life, so I am not sitting in judgment

  4. Well, am not really a tourist to India, but i've stayed there for almost 13 years, was kind of brought up there, did my schooling and college in India... and I love it from the bottom of my heart. I consider it more of a home than my native country!

    At first india shocks you, its a land of contrasts, but then, either one grows to love it deeply with all its insights, with all its "strangeness" as some may say, with all its beauty, and some just wont accept it. I grew to love it...... I love the people, i love the culture, the air, the atmosphere...

    As the saying goes "A home is where your heart is'.. well my heart is in india...

    And whats interesting, i dont feel being a foreigner there any more, i feel, and i believe there are many others like me, that i belong there

    I miss it terribly, and will always be going back there, till one day might even settle there


  5. Well, you can't say India is a very poor country. Its a developing country. I would like to mention in this regard, that at present the Worlds' richest man Mr. Mukesh from India.

    But the main problem is its growth is not uniform. The high class is getting richer and richer and the lower class's growth is very minimal.

    And I am from India. If you want to experience it, you will have to come here for your own experience. Coz, impressions are varies from person to person

    One thing I could assure you that you will find your second home in the hearts of every people out of here..

  6. They have everything I need.

    And that teach me what I don't need.

    I learned both what is life and pyal.

    I want to live and die in India.

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