
To all u armish out there sinning. how r ur computer skills.?

by  |  earlier

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how did this get into volleyball?

must be a miracle!!!




  1. armish?? leglish? toothlish..........

  2. Hopefully better than your spelling and grammar skills.

    Who are the armish?  People with arms?

  3. I dont think there will be alot of real armish on here do you?

  4. Better than your grammar, pal.

  5. Eh, not too bad. But I reckon Ill be going to h**l for this, but good news is I'll see you there, along with The Beetles and Taft. Now I must depart to sow my wild oats and have intercourse with my wife. Right after I find out what this "p**n" thing is...

    I bid you; a due.

  6. armish? volleyball?

  7. Hilarious.

  8. armish? maybe amish? dont know? but they could probably spell better than you

  9. I got royal skills.

  10. What skills?

    Well, I work on "computer" for life, besides playing volleyball.

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