
To all u atheists. if we somehow came from crystals or mud then were did the mud and crystals come from???

by Guest62700  |  earlier

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there had to be a creator to the crystals or mud, right?




  1. Atheists won't agree with you. The idea is that everything formed spontaneously when the conditions were right. The Big Bang started the universe, spewing matter far and wide. This matter collected together through gravitational attraction to form stars, planets, etc. And once you have a planet, you have mud.

    There is no easy way to make an atheist "see the light". So just focus on your own faith and lead by example instead of trying to debate religion through logic.

  2. we didnt come from crySTAL and mud


  3. No, there doesn't have to be a creator of crystals or mud.  Crystals form naturally due to their atomic/chemical properties, and mud is simply a combination of dirt and water.

    Haven't you ever seen crystals or mud that were formed naturally?  So why assume there must be a creator?

  4. I think you must be lost. Shouldn't this question be posted in the spiritual category?

  5. The primary requisite for divine worship is a single digit I.Q.

    Conversely a fairly high I.Q. is required in order to understand

    and appreciate the truth. So based on your intelligence you

    are stuck worshipping.  Leave higher thinking to those who can

    handle it.

  6. Who says that the "creator" of the universe has to be sentient? why not natural forces that in following a few basic rules, end up creating the complexity we see today in the universe? Your idea that everything has to be created by an intellegent designer leaves you begging the question of who created the  creator. The standard response is of course "God always was". That's basically a copout. At least science doesnt pretend to know what existed before the start of the universe. It may speculate, but there is no way to test or prove that speculation. From the moment of the Big Bang on though, it does become a situation where it is a testible theory. Mind, nothing in the big bang theory, evolution, or other scientific theories actually denies there is a god; they merely make such a person/creature/diety unessacary to explain things that we see in nature. Finally, its the creationist theory that believes in the mud thing. And as far as the crystals go, I'm not wasting time explaining that theory other than to say that that particular theory of abiogenesis doesnt actually state we come from crystals; only that crystals played a role in allowing the first lifeforms to survive long enough to replicate.

  7. We DON'T think we came from earth.  It's the Bible that says that.

    No, there didn't have to be an anthropomorphic creator.  That's argument by analogy.

  8. I am not an atheist, but here is my question to you... if god/gods formed us humans then where did those gods come from?

  9. I would think single cell organisms.

  10. Who cares?  Why are you wasting your time, valuable time in your life, on debates like this one?  What it all boils down to is that no one knows for certain where everything came from, and you yourself certainly have no evidence, which makes your question more of a scientific/ educational one instead of a 'let me prove god exists by saying THIS' question.  We should all just get along, live and let live, and stop telling each other we are wrong about creation.  WHO CARES?

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