
To all vegetarians : why exactly do you not eat meat?

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I'm a veggie too. People ask me why i don't eat meat and i can't really explain . It has something to do with he texture of the meat i think , i can't stand the texture of flesh and the though that i am ripping through it .And also the thought that an animal will be going through my digestive system for the next day or so . Yuck

It has nothing to do with animal rights

It also has nothing to do with the taste

Does anyone else feel this way ?




  1. I think the thought of eating a dead body is pretty disgusting actually.

    I am vegetarian because I am not happy about the way animals are treated before they die. If you go on or

    Both have some very good reasons to go veggie, and if you repeat them to your friends, they will probably never question you again (and probably go veggie themselves):)

    Oh, and PTK's answer SUCKS.

         If the world was vegan, a 1/4 of the land used now would be used, and world hunger would be a thing of the past. 70% of rainforest destroyed is used for cattle grazing to feed people in rich countrys. Most of the remainder goes to growing crops to feed the animals. The rest goes to cerials and stuff to feed us. If we stopped eating meat and used the land to grow crops to feed people in third worlds countries, would it really make it WORSE for them!?

    I am a 13 year old child,and I live perfectly fine without meat, as you can see. Do I look dead?

         I have NEVER had calcium deficiency, and my bones and teeth are considerably stronger than many of the people in my school, who seem to be going to hospital with broken bones every other week. Most of them have yellow teeth and braces.

         And everything on that little list of stuff containing bits of animals is available elsewhere. Cosmetics, soap, shampoo etc that are not tested on animals and do not contain animals are available at all major supermarkets for  a good price. Brushes and everything else listed can also be bought cheaply elsewhere. Like anywhere. And what has furniture got to do with animals? There are vegan polishes and stuff around, and glues.

         And cows die because people kill them, not because they are slow, which I thought would be quite obvious.

    PTK would never had said any of those things if he had known anything about them. Info to back up my arguments against PTK can be found on the websites I listed above.

    PTK did not even answer the question, as he is evidently not vegetarian.

    Anyway, he said it himself at the start of his answer:

    "Because no one should have to die because they "taste good". There is not one convincing argument against veganism."

  2. its icky.

    i'm not into seeing veins in my food or it bleeding for that matter.

  3. - I disagree with the practices the agriculture industry uses

    - I don't feel the need to eat sentient beings

    - I never really liked the texture much

    - I also do it for dietary reasons

    It's really a combination of a bunch of things.

  4. I am a vegan primarily for animal rights reasons, but i also dislike the texture of meat and idea of eating flesh. EW!!!!!!!!

  5. "Because no one should have to die because they "taste good". There is not one convincing argument against veganism."

    If everyone was vegan then

    1) Prices would escalate dramatically for paint brushes, band aids, furniture, automobiles, basketballs, gloves, Shampoo, soaps, shaving creams, deodorants, crayons, insecticides, perfumes, etc. Basically all things that involve animals

    2) Milk, it is necessary for many but if everyone is a vegan there would be an even bigger calcium deficiency than there already is.

    3) Children need meat to live. Many children have died because they weren't fed meat.

    4) If the entire world went vegan there would not be enough food to feed everyone.

    5) Cows dont die because they taste good, they die because they are slow. If things died because they taste good then Horses would be on everyone's menu.

  6. I don't eat meat because the way animals are treated and slaughtered for food is inhumane.

    Animals deserve to be treated with respect.

    Meat is just ******* disgusting.

  7. I have recently become a Lacto-Ovo vegetarian. And already I am being questioned over the matter of why I do it. I do it because of the animals. I love animals and hate seeing and knowing of them being mistreated. I can't stand it that chickens are kept in cages,under bright fluro lights 24 hours to produce eggs(that is why I prefer free range eggs) and hormones that are being injected into animals for rapid and bigger growth.  I also do it because it is simply a healthier way to live. It can prevent diseases such as heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes etc.  I think it is really up to the person and their personal beliefs of why they do it. There is no wrong reason to be a vegetarian. If you are one, that is great,  you know you are doing something good for the world, the animals and yourself etc.

  8. I don't thinks the texture or taste bothers me. Some times the smell or site of meat (especially raw) bothers me though. But I'm vegan mainly for animal rights, environmental, ethical and spiritual reasons. for me I believe it's so much more than simply disliking the taste or smell.

  9. actually liked the texture when i did eat it, but now it is the idea that, i don't want something to kill me and rip a chunk of my flesh off and eat it, why should i do that to something else. and more over, the taste got boring, chicken tastes like everything else so why not eat something else.

  10. Because no one should have to die because they "taste good". There is not one convincing argument against veganism.

  11. probably because humans are designed to eat 95 % plant base diet.

    and your body know what is right for you.

    next time somebody ask you the same question , answer this:

    "Because I am better that you!"

    and when they ask you why are you better that them , answer this:

    because I can stop eating meat and you CAN'T. so I have a better self control that you!

    because for the sake of the environment  is better. I know the cows pass a  lot of Methane Gas  which is 20 times stronger that CO2 greenhouse which depletes the ozone I have a better  knowledge that you.

    because my body get a better immune system to fight cancer  and other illness . so I am better informed that you.

    then smile and say: I'm joking!

  12. i dont eat meat because the meat industry is corrupt! they inject hormones into the animals! the animals that die before they get to kill them are eaten by the other animals. the meat industry treats their workers like c**p..they dont give them breaks and the people go to the bathroom on the floor..where the meat falls because assembly lines move too fast...the people do not know how to properly disasemble the meat so bladders and intestines explode in the meat then people eat it....lots of other reasons check out slaughterhouse

  13. I know exactly what you mean, I find it hard to explain to,  I think your right with the texture thing, the way it doesn't mash up like a vegetable when you bite it, so you end up swallowing it almost whole, it even grosses me out thinking about it, with chicken i find its the slimy texture it makes me want to gag and the taste is none the more appealing,  If i eat meat I cant get the taste out of my mouth, its kind of like that chalky feeling after eating a banana but with a gross taste i always had to eat something after it.  and it gets stuck in your teeth.   yeah I just hate everything about it really.

    lol still not very good at explaining.

  14. Yeah i feel that way too. Just knowing that you are eating an actual animal is pretty disgutsting. I never really liked the taste of meat so thats mainly how I explain why i don't eat it.

  15. No, I care about animals and want less of them to suffer.

  16. I don't eat meat for environmental reasons.

    PTK: I'm afraid your economics arguments don't hold up.

    1.) Most if not all of these items are luxuries/convenience items.  Higher prices don't matter that much.  Further, the following items you listed are usually vegan anyway, as the real leather versions are way more expensive: Basketballs, automobiles, gloves, paint brushes, band-aids, and furniture.

    If the vegan versions are already cheaper, how will more vegans cause more expensive products?  In fact, it seems more vegans would bring DOWN the costs of these products.

    2.)Milk is not 'necessary for many', and there are many suitable substitutes available.

    3.)Children don't need meat to live.  Many children have been raised vegetarian.  Children die from poor nutrition, not lack of meat.

    4.)If the entire world went vegan there would be MORE food available, not less.  A huge amount of our grain and bean crops are fed to cattle/pigs/chickens at very low efficiency.  It takes 2.6 pounds of corn (plus other nutrients) to produce one pound of beef.

    5.) Cows are slow because we bred them that way.  Horses are fast because we bred them that way.  

    Deer are fast, why do we eat them?  Armadillo are slow, why don't we eat them?

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