
To all who have sinned?

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From your heart

how much time do you really think we have left.




  1. Why are you worried? If you're living your life as if every day were your last, and living life to the fullest, what regret will you possibly have when it ends?  If you've done everything you wanted to do in the time you were given, and if you know for sure you were a good person, kind to others and had a good heart, then you can go out of this world knowing that.

  2. Till 2012.

    So party like it's 2011 !

  3. ell...the sun won't go supernova for a couple billion years, so if we fix global warming, we have plenty of time  =D  

  4. It can come like a thief in the night. In other words you can walk outside and be hit by a car, the end doesn't necessarily mean the end of the world, people die all the time of natural causes.

  5. If you're a Christian, then you've probably heard the passage where its said that the end will come "like a thief in the night". So, I doubt that any speculation would be worthwhile.  

  6. I'll be happy with another 40 years.  

  7. Sin is inevitable.   I personally think that to supress all of the natural qualities that make us human is wrong.  In order to achieve true spiritual perfection, we have to be pure soul- we have to be dead.  We were put here on this Earth as human beings because we are meant to be alive as flawed, imperfect people who simply do the best we can, and that's all anyone can ever ask of us.  Sin is not evil.  Sin is merely what is considered "taboo," or offensive and distateful to a certain society, social, or religious group at a certain point in time, moral relativism simply put.  Evil is when you deliberately hurt other people, and that is what is always wrong.  What really makes us who we are isn't how often we sin, because sin is inevitable and everyone does it, so if you do, that's not saying much about your true character.  It's the good things we do in life, how we try to do the right thing when it's the hardest to do so, that makes us who we truly are.  Don't worry about sinning.  If you're basically a good person, then you have nothing to worry about.

    It's like John Lennon said:

    "Why in the world are we here? Surely not to live in pain and fear."

    Don't worry, be happy! =]

  8. At least a couple more hundred years or so.. Assuming global warming, nuclear war, or global terrorism doesn't get us first..

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