
To all wrestlers: What kind of training do you guys do for cardio?

by Guest56044  |  earlier

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I'm a grappler, BJJ, but i admire wrestlers ability to never gas out. What kind of cardio training do you guys do? Also, I need to cut 15lbs., what's the best/safest way to do it?





  2. the thing which gives wrestlers their famous stamina is believe it or not wrestling itself.  wrestling for 6 minutes will fatigue the average persons body just as much as running 15 miles, and most wrestlers do much more than 6 minutes everyday.  imagine if while rolling in bjj instead of relaxing and taking it slow, yeilding to pressure, and coserving energy, you were fighting all the pressure, moving every second, trying to explode and put all your strength into every movement, and the other person instead of yeilding to that pressure was again, fighting everything you did with everything they had. this is also what account for the famous 'wrestlers strength'.  the other factor which gives wrestlers great stamina is that during the season while they are burning so much energy every single day, they are also eating very little, as a result their bodies become extremely efficient at transforming all the food they do eat into energy, and extremely efficient at using that energy.

    as far as losing 15 lbs, don't do it our way unless you absolutely have to it sucks and isn't especially healthy. you could try wrestling for a while without trying to lose any weight and I garuntee you will lose several pounds.  what I can tell you we do which is healthy to help you lose weight is eat breakfast(not a big one though) and try to do something active early in the day, this will get your metabolism up early on and it will stay up throughout the day, jumpropes are your freinds, try lifting, muscle requires you to use energy to maintain it, try eating more smaller meals; so eat the same amount of food just eat smaller amounts more often,(so eat 6 meals instead of 3 but only eat 1/2 as much as you normally would at each meal) this also helps to keep your metabolism up throughout the day, and there is always of course the option of eating less.

  3. loosing weight and cardio are two different things... but I will put the stuff that does both, double kill!

    --put on sweat pants and sweat shirt (at least) and start running stairs till you collapse

    then do it again but this time with a person on your back

    *seriously, this was what our teams coach made us do for a whole 3hr practice

    --Indian runs: you need a group to do this, get in a line, start at a jog then slowly bring it up faster and faster. The last person in line has to run to first, and the last person had to keep doing that so you are always switching spots. The faster you go the harder it is, obviusly.

    --Jump rope: 6 min jump- 30 sec break- 3 min jump- 30 sec break- 1.5 min jump- 1 min break- 6 min jump

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