
To all you waitresses out there, why do you put hearts on the bill?

by  |  earlier

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does that take away the blow of having to pay. why do you do it?




  1. because we want you be happy while paying the company.  


  2. Not sure about hearts, but I know we put smileys on there because we are trying to be friendly and brighten your day.

    If you get a bill with hearts on it, I think it's because your server might have a crush on you.  (smiley face inside a heart)

  3. they want you to think they are flirting with you to get a bigger tip.

    I always write my husband name and phone number on the receipt...Its more of a joke against my husband since we never have pretty waitress's

  4. I dont yes i do i dont no

  5. I know when I was a waitress I would put happy faces on the bill, just because I was trying to be nice, and also it is a way of identifying which table you are at, that way we dont always have to write our name on the ticket.

    Is this a place you go to frequently? Does the same girl wait on you all the time? Maybe the waitresses like you and think you are cute, maybe they want to take you on a date or something.

    Most likley they are just trying to show a little bit of their personality.

  6. Cheeky trick to make you feel nice and happy in the hope you will leave a better tip!!

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