
To any Alaskans: Why don't Democrats think much of your State?

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They seem to think Alaska is pretty insignificant and inconsequential. Running Alaska is a breeze compared to being the Freshman Senator from Illinois.




  1. Alaska has 3 electoral votes. California has 55.

  2. Let me put it this way spanky.  Alaska has a lower population than Columbus Ohio.

  3. Because the state is is good shape money wise, The states the Liberals run are all in trouble financially , The cities run by them are also in trouble.They get in office again they will destroy this great country

  4. Because Dems are limp-wrist little city dwellers who don't understand the wild country like AK.

    Oh, and they also don't have a clue how much AK contributes to the national economy.

  5. This is just the latest rehashing of the tired old Democrat concept known as "Fly Over Country".

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