
To any and all Special Education workers...?

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How boring and limited is it to work in Special Ed.? What is the best area of all of the special ed programs to work in?




  1. It's not boring or limited at all. There are so many disabilities and age levels to work with that you almost always have options to change if you do get tired of a level. My personal favorite is the high school life skills level (moderate to severe/profound impairment) because you're helping them get ready for life beyond high school and live in the community. Right now I'm teaching 1-4 grade life skills and it's great too.

  2. It is fun and rewarding especially when working at a special school.

  3. Special education is NEVER boring, that I can promise you.  The best area really depends on what you like to do.  I prefer working with learning disabled children who need that extra help to make it in school.  Some prefer working with the mentally challenged or the physically impaired.  If you are a very special person you can work with the behaviorially challenged, that is the toughest imho.  All areas require you to think outside the box and come up with ways to help our unique learners.

    -S (special ed teacher)

  4. It's never boring or limited working with children who have special educational needs. Every day brings new challenges and new rewards Very often because some of these children see the world differently you get a whole new perspective on the world. Because you very often spend quite a lot of time with one particular child you also tend to form a close bond with that child and every hurdle they overcome and every new challenge they master becomes almost personal because you have worked so hard with them. As for which program to work in,that depends on what type of person you are.

  5. Not boring at all. On the contrary it's rewarding. When I come home, I am peaceful. Every child is a challenge and a wonder, extremely affectionate too. And trust me they can get funny and cheeky. And they know it. I look forward to go to school everyday.

  6. i love it and it is nice to have  a variety of opportunuties...i was in public schools-but am now working in a mental health facility for young men. there is a lot of variety in both ages and conditions that are open to you. good luck with whatever you decide.

  7. It's neither boring nor limited, and that is why some people choose to leave the field.  SpEd teachers are masters of general and exceptional teaching principles.  Were education based on a business model, special education teachers would earn more money given their greater expertise.  

    That said, some people who try to be special education teachers simply "don't get it," and some aspects of the job cannot be learned.  I imagine those people feel incompetent.

  8. It's not boring, because there are so many different areas you can specialize in, the parents & kids are usually nice & interesting to relate to, and you can find different jobs in the area over your career.

    Resource Specialist is nice because you work with lots of students & give them bits of help to keep them going well. Special Day Class teacher is nice because you get to know your students a lot better, especially at the preschool, kindergarten, & elementary levels.

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